When are Black Americans going to regain their class and status as the once strong, Verile and feared for their organization, strong family structure, clear minds, superior thoughts and beyond human strength and abilities. I mean seriously when have any of you did some research on people of color? We come from royalty, from good stock, we were of Kings and Queens ruling over kingdoms. We are the same people of Africa, the middle east, we were once rich in culture, family, wealth and status. We were once so feared that White Americans didn't want us to get together in large numbers, because we were so strong, we were so smart, we were physically strong as well as mentally. We had everything taken from us YET still we got stronger, we laughed, we danced, we produced strong off spring, we had tolerance for the worst of conditions. What have we now? I am not trying to write this out of racism which many people might think, which right now I don't care I am just saddened by my people every day and I think damn I had to have a child and bring her into this ignorant world. I mean what the HELL happened to US? Come on we went from such strong people, people that walked miles to boycott a racist ass system. We refused to ride public transportation for over a year walking every where we needed to go. WE built this country on our blood, sweat and tears!! Can I get an AMEN!?? We as a people died and bled on this great countries earth while being enslaved and mistreated, abused, raped of our virginity, raped of our culture and raped of our faith. HERE we stand in 2009 proud to call each other NIGGAS and BITCHES and HIGH YELLOW ain't a thing cause I am used to it!! Sad is what the fuck we are!! Sad and ignorant fucking people we have become YEAH I SAY WE FUCK YOU IF YOU THINK I AM WRONG IN DOING SO, because it is to many of US for me to say some, many come on I am not even separating myself from this because WE are a People we are one and when WE realize this SHIT than we will no longer be so ignorant. I speak my mind and MY people call me "militant" or some fucking so called friends like to call me unhappy!! I no longer give a shit what people think of me, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of Black folks and their ignorant asses. I am sick of seeing Black men standing in front of stores with they dirty ass under clothing showing, cursing up a storm, scratching their dirty little dicks, and spitting on the side walk while woman walk past with their babies. I sat right on Wadsworth Avenue and I watched for about 15 minutes, I looked at my baby girls face, she had the most horrible look of disgust on her face as she watched these grown ass Black men, holding their penis, calling out to passing females, spitting, fighting and cursing. She cringed with every word they said and their every moment drew her closer to the far side of the car. I even looked at them and they looked at me and my daughter, never stopping, never yielding, never missing a curse word. I eventually rolled up the windows and turned the air on, along with the radio to tune them out. But it was not just Wadsworth Avenue in Philadelphia, it has been Easton Road in Willow Grove, it has been the Willow Grove Park Mall, it has been from 5Th & Girard, to King of Prussia Mall it has been outside the doctors office in Elkins Park hospital, it has been on the boardwalk in Atlantic City, it has been every where I have seen a Black person. Every where they go they take their ignorance, they take their hateful words, the dick grabbing, their ass hanging out, their spitting, their 'nigger this and nigger that!" I mean even woman who may not use these words except them, except the MEN that use them, use them around their sons, use them around their daughter. WE have become a people to accept all this bullshit, being called BITCHES, being called NIGGERS, being called HIGH YELLOW...which excuse me I have to put this in here because this is why I am typing this blog RIGHT NOW!! A friend on facebook posted pics of her baby girl, one of her friends called the little girl HIGH YELLOW, I wrote to her that her daughter was beautiful BUT high yellow is a negative comment it means uppity Black person and back in the day dark skinned Blacks used this as a way to create fights among their lighter counter parts, it is hateful it is IGNORANT it is something that should not be used especially if someone is speaking of your BABY GIRL!! WHAT? WHAT? Where is the fire? Where is the Fire? Where does this shit end?? Where do ALL BLACK PEOPLE stand up and say SHUT THE FUCK UP I AM NOT GOING TO BE CALLED A NIGGA, I AM NOT GOING TO BE CALLED A BITCH I AM NOT HIGH YELLOW I am ME and I am sick of this ignorant SHIT take back out RACE and damn these fools to hell. Get these men off the corner & from in front of these stores calling each other names, calling woman as if they are dogs AND they are answering they whistle at one woman and she is beautiful I mean she made other woman beside me, turn and look at her, SHE even answered to a whistle, to a hey come here! Are you serious?!? Here is a copy of the conversation on facebook about skin color because I am to pissed to continue I will come back to this TRUST ME;
She is too adorable. Looks just like her high yella momma! :-)
Hi Hater!! You know she is just really light brown....lol
Keep trying and let the next one bake a little longer, until golden brown. LOL!!! No seriously, she's too cute.
She is too cute Danyelle!
Thank you. We went today and got them taken.
She is really too cute.... but u know that baby ain't brown Danyelle....
No, she's far from brown....Sh's definitely high yellow......BUT she's loks like her gramndmother!
You were right, that color looks great on her! I know Kamillita showed out!
Did she say brown? Is that the new yellow?
LUV YA Ms. Kamille!
LUV YA Ms. Kamille!
You look great. Your family is beautiful.
Wonderful pic girl... Real nice.
awwww look @ my extended family
Thank you guys
Very beautiful babay!!
Thank you. Even though she decided to sky dive off of the bed on Friday.....kids are a mess.
Your baby is beautiful!! And uummm not trying to be a smartass but the term "HIGH YELLOW" is very very offensive it means a uppity light skinned Black person. I mean I have heard many people call each other this and I do not know if they knew what it meant or not but that is what it means!! Now a days Black people seem to not care about things like this but I for one wouldn't want to be called that or the "N" word it's just ME, just letting you know!
I have been hearing it my whole life so it no longer offends me. I am a lighter shade of brown and so is my baby...no matter what they say.
I have been hearing it my whole life so it no longer offends me. I am a lighter shade of brown and so is my baby...no matter what they say.
also it High YELLOW was created like the word "NIGGER" was created it was meant to hurt, dark skinned Black people used it back in the day to hurt light skinned Blacks because we truly are not YELLOW people. They just used it to hurt one another, and many a people fought over being called HIGH YELLOW including my mother...just an end note in case I didn't explain myself.
WOW! is all I have to say....
I agree with the comments you made regarding the negativity some of our people are exhibiting. It's obvious that they do not know how to act like the KINGS & KINGS from which "WE" come. I do not understand their acceptance of being called and answering to "NIGGER." I don't hear anyone calling "Yo, my SPIC, my CRACKER, my KITE, my GREASE BALL, my CHINK, etc. as a term of endearment. I WONDER WHY NOT?
ReplyDeleteI agree Thank You So Much!!!