Hello People, thank you for coming to my world for even a brief moment I am working on one of my longest blogs sharing what others feel about some of the topics I have recently blogged about. Let us start with the ending of a marriage open to the public and sadly for something the eight children can GOOGLE on watch their parents marriage falling apart as well as the relationship between their mother and father. A good decision or not Jon and Kate decided many years ago to air the entire life out in front of the entire world, now the children are old enough and smart enough to know that they can go to the net and see themselves all over the place. Not only will these children be able to see themselves of they go out shopping with mommy or daddy they can see either one of their parents on a magazine rack right at the check out line with the words DIVORCE or CHEATING right on the cover. Where the hell was any thought taken about how these parents would try to protect their children. I mean none the less with pedophiles and child porn out there they have their children's faces plastered all over the damn web. I just don't understand what they were thinking, when they made this move but now a days it shows that someone's just thinking about themselves. Why in the world would you make eight babies and than leave one parent alone to raise them, knowing that it is a job to large for even two people to tackle? The two of them have fans and foes with many blogs and website dedicated to either hating or loving them. Something that many Americans will never have to deal with, opening a website, seeing themselves being called "MEAN' or a "BITCH" for their children's eyes to see. No matter what you may think of the pair Jon & Kate they have been apart of the lives of many people for years, not one person will admit that they watched the show for either Jon or Kate, but many can say that they have a favorite child or that all the children are adorable. For the most part no one, wants their dirty laundry aired on television for their children to see, however this is what Jon & Kate have to look forward to, they have sent themselves and their children up for a world of hurt and pain in the future. I can only say whether I hate or love them, it isn't about them any more is about their children now, children do not stay young forever, they turn unto curious young adults and will have to see the UGLY things that their parents have done to them and to one another. Perfect examples are; VIA Youtube (enter these words to see the video); Kate Gosselin denies Mady water, The 5th Birthday party for the sextuplets, Jon & Kate Divorce, or BLOGS; http://blog.imperfectparent.com/2008/03/25/jon-and-kate-plus-8-color-me-gosselin/ , http://gosselinswithoutpity.blogspot.com/ , Kate Gosselin's brother and sister in laws video/ http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/06/world-exclusive-video-kate-gosselins-brother-outraged-over-jon-kates-televised
Here is what people on the famous Twitter.com are saying about Jon & Kate in 140 characters or less;
Anchoredxxlove its amazing how much pain you can feel through the t.v. watching jon and kate.... not a fan of jon right now, coming off so heartless
LibsLou Jon and Kate plus eight equals divorce! didn't see that one coming...*sarcasism intended*
xBRITTANIEx Really sad about Jon & Kate. One example of a pair that got married too young and weren't meant for each other. Good luck to them!
MaeganDixon John & kate plus 8=saaaddd
esshots I can't believe people are so involved with #jon&kate. Reality TV is such a farce!
chocoboy1der Wow, Kate just said that she doesn't want to b alone, but u have 8 kids! Who would want u now?! Smdh...
goose @keithwade ok so I flipped to Jon and Kate + 8. When did she go to her hair stylist and ask for the Flock of Seagulls look?
erynslavin I do feel sorry for Jon and Kate. I don't think either of them are bad people. I really do feel so sorry for the Gosselin kids
Datdymefyne RT @AndreaV10 Thoughts on Jon & Kate (2 FUNNY!): RT @hightrekTEAM I call the new series: Jon and Kate Plus Date? LMFAO!
BJoiella Is wondering if Kate is going too have too receive food stamps too feed all those mouths...
sara_elizabetth And you can tell Jons the one who wants it, not Kate:(
mtfarrell Turns out they're renaming it "Jon or Kate Plus Eight." This show is donezo.
Sykedamagician Checking out the hype with all this Jon & Kate talk. @ Belvedere Dr & Benbow Ct http://loopt.us/FMgPPw.t
austin360 RT @byrnjac: Really Jon & Kate? your big announcement was we're separating? yeah like we already didn't know that
bigstarlet OMG! JOHN & KATE! JOHN & KATE! JOHN & KATE! Eh, whatevs...
kblack7 birthday....ps. Jon and Kate are separating..omg lol
courtneythees am i the only one who couldnt care less about this whole jon and kate ordeal?
TwinklebuNNie This episode is so sad and depressing . No .. I love Jon and Kate !!
BarbaraJones Ha-u & everyone else it seems 2nite! RT @michellelamar: @BarbaraJones will get right on that as soon as Jon & kate are over----
KelliKanyon Don't worry Watching Jon & Kate is here to stay. -Kelli Kanyon - google me
StefanyOvalles it makes me sad that jon and kate are divorcing. =[
kdando ugh -- the "news" about Jon & Kate is important enough to generate an AP breaking news alert?
kiffanik If I was Kate, Jon would take 4 of those kids with him when he left.
Tinker2k1 Watching Jon and Kate plus 8....so sad....divorcing!
citygirlgvl @elisewho ~ boycott #jon & kate This is child abuse
kelbby feeling bad about Jon and Kate...
nhPNP RT:people honestly more concerned about Jon&Kate while a revolution is going on in Iran?! People are dying for their beliefs&rights @DuhBall
edgarcabello Watching Jon & Kate....what a sad, sad tale.
emmytorro so sad for Jon & Kate....i feel so bad for those kids :(
ladyemusic Well, I guess I don't have anything to say.....You heard it.. John & Kate are getting divorced
PutriSilalahi jon & kate? never ever put your family on TV. fame will eat your senses. that's it. period.
eliafierce @fuegos seriously. I want to see more kids playing, less jon & kate drama
TeddyBCakes Jon n Kate are effin stupid, its not that serious..work it out
SPLuna this next part of jon & kate scares me they look uncomfortable together
jbh1206 Jon & Kate are divorcing. Does that mean we can get back on with are lives??? *Sarcasm*
alyx_LG I didnt actually think Jon and Kate would split up.. man oh man
Laurxcas Jon and Kate plus eight = win.
tweeterbob Never watching Jon and Kate plus 8 again. Advise everyone to do the same.
adamchase Well, Jon and Kate are getting divorced, even though I'm sure everyone will hear it 500 more times within the next week
HannahLue LMAO!! RT @BreakingNewsAP: Jon and Kate Gosselin of TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" announce they are separating.
nicenaughty17 imagining kate child support when she get it 8 damn kids man dude fuck up
MonicaBKelly jon and kate plus 8 was depressing and jon's earrings are aw-ful.
cheka99 Watching John & Kate plus 8, gotta say, not sure how I feel about John, he seems so not bothered by the situation
ExtremeGamer Jon and Kate.. OVER! Feel bad for the kids, but God I hate those 2 idiots so much.
lizbethxq Jon and Kate make me so scared of marriage. I really thought they were going to make it. They were my example. Now what?
pt56 @yotobari288 Jon & Kate splitting...bummer, wonder if Jon will get into cage fighting, he's had lots of experience dodging punches.
msdollaz One of the saddest episodes of Jon and Kate - they are getting a divorce..not surprising but still sad
monicaaxl3 Why jon & kate?! :(
thefuture_00 jus finish up watching Jon & Kate i offically hate jon now clearly kate dont want this but he do hes not hard enough
ChrisHorneHorne Jon + Kate = Quitters.
shimamizu Not surprised that Jon and Kate from the show of their name dissolved their marriage. Reality TV is not healthy for family life.
kvetchingeditor Well, that was depressing. Jon&Kate + 8 - eachother is finished. It will be interesting to see how the show works like this.
kelseytuffrey jon and kate plus 8 = sooo sad
SweetTeaAtl1 OMG About Jon&Kate!!! I Would Said "Ninja U CAN CHEAT BUT You AINT!!! Leavin...I got 8 Of Your Damn Kids" lol @leodeeva
popeater Jon and Kate don't hate each other, but man did they take some shots at each other. What'd they say? http://kl.am/UvA
girlwonderful @mamasgotmoxie It's tragic really. Do you ever read dooce.com? The kate hate reminds me of the dooce hate. Envy brings out a lot in folks.
Meggypoo821 its so sad about Jon and Kate :(
KylaFuller Just watched jon and kate plus eight :( That is so sad! I just about started crying.... welll did a little.. :-(
lexisV89 The new episode of jon and kate was very disappointing.. There is no hope do any marriage apparently...
lizmoney @dalamanna omg. harsh! but probably true. Jon+kate / 8 every other weekend.
Mileyfan1694 :( Jon and Kate are divorced :( I'm really sad for them and the kids! I will defiantly the Gosselin Family in my prayers!
lacrossemom13 RT Watching Jon & Kate say how this is best for the kids. Um, yeah, hows that?
AyeKevin Sick My Doo! Watching Jon & Kate plus 8! ahahah working out soon though try at least.
AlixxZ Very sad about Jon & Kate with the divorce.
VirtuesANDsins i think jon got divorced with kate in the show jon and kate plus 8 for cheating on his wife. The show needs to end.
evenrobotssigh Jon & Kate < / 3 .They divorce.How sad. da_man Looking for something else to watch other than this John and Kate crap that everyone is tweeting about. Monday night tv sucks!
sloppyed07 @katecanary cause I've always known you as "katy" and I kate still sounds foreign. And its been longer than 7 years, remember teeball???????
TanyaKaye Bummed about Jon and Kate and current state of the LSU game. Going to eat my feelings with Jason. *sigh* haha.
Sarawww Oh I guess it's Kate plus 8 now :( Jon you were my fave.
taiterfry Jon and Kate split up...and now maybe we can have some piece from that stupidity.
MiguelFuller Um..I'm sure the Crooked Houses people paid for the first thirty min of Jon & Kate...so sad for those kids. Everything played out on camera.
amyatmosphere Sad for the kids and Kate, and wondering why I care!
TiaDanielle jon and kate divorce :-( jojo gets arrested for marijuana :-( Gabbie FINALLY joins Twitter! :-)
justmelody Kate and Jon's situation is just too sad for those children...
AnaiszerimaR watching Jon & Kate Plus 8.
becanneliz I've stopped watching Jon & Kate. Too much reality in my reality TV.
thestew Jon & Kate have a special announcement: Their oversized easy chair wants a divorce.
ZombieAlice John & Kate plus SEPERATE sadest thing ever!
sdw1a RT @billmaher @obamasthoughts Forget Iran. I want to focus on this Jon & Kate debacle. I thought that u would like this?
wh0adanny 7 hours away from my twitter is much harder than I thought. who knows what happened with John & Kate??
gotee12 This John & Kate thing's sad, but who's really surprised after the last few episodes & our society is the reason the lowlife papparzi exists
lawlelizabethxx watching reruns of jon & kate plus 8 and then the new one !
bbysnake Watching the re-run of Jon & Kate Plus 8 season finale. Gonna make me cry, I know it. ;(
FaithPrevails watched Jon & Kate Separ-8. How sad for all of them.
ifiredmyboss 'Jon & Kate plus 8' announcement: We are getting Divorced - http://linkbee.com/XPJR
trevangie_tv is watching Jon & Kate Plus 8
stephenharred As promise, @thegreatrhetor's photo makes me sad - just like Jon and Kate #j&k
KLaMilli eating pizza and gettin the bad news about Jon & Kate....sad shit
GenesisFireMoon I've lost an ear ring, swallowed my tounge ring, and Jon & Kate are finally divorcing... very productive day on my end lol.
richardschrader Never heard of Jon/Kate until the grim photo of her whacking her little kid...
byrdhowatae it's funny how so many are on Kate's side....emotional abandonment, she's changed. TEAM JON + Eight
XpCompHelp jon and kate... broke up.... :*(
lizhover @xSiteable I'm sorry but I watched Jon & Kate. Totally sucked in. Don't usually but needed a legitimate break from a Quark file :)
ahulsizer How is Jon&Kate trending higher than Iran? Ppl need 2 get their priorities straight! #iranelection
the_night_owl I need to go to bed. Little sad to hear the news about John&Kate. I haven't kept up with the show, nor have I wished to, but I'm still sad..
dudebrochill RT @Pepperanne217: jon and kate...nice earings dude...nice.
karaisintx jon + kate plus hate...didnt we all see this coming?
pwlove_2001 What is wrong with the world? First Perez Hilton's assault, then Jon and Kate seperation?!?!? Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!!
awooday Jon and Kate are divorcing, Mark Sanford is lost on the Appalachian Trail, and Perez Hilton got punched in the face. Rough day.
comealongwithme jon & kate plus 8 is so sad now.
Fico09 Jon & Kate are getting a divorce, sad day
BlanchAisha Good thing "jon & kate" is trending higher than Iran and #iranelection. Wouldn't want our priorities to come under fire........crazy!
laura_cee89 I'm so sad after watching Jon & Kate. :(
RobeyTweets Stop hating: Jon and Kate owe it to humanity to sleep around because they're so fucking fertile. (via @michaelianblack)
MizzBlasian Am I the only one who had a little faith and wanted Jon and Kate to work it out?
WeAreGITe http://bit.ly/Z5aAc Sad about Jon & Kate. Laugh with me here.
blackmanhl John and Kate + 8 -- I don't get it. I'm supposed to be interested and care why? And these people are famous for what reason?
clubberlang Jon & Kate need to sign up for wife swap
BriaBryant Jon - Kate + 8 = you gotta be kidding me
Purplechikn85 I'm trying to figure out what this twitter is all about...I'm also annoyed with Jon & Kate
Frozen2Late @irockiroll Jon & Kate are separated as of today. :( :) Mixed emotions... do you think I have a chance??
craftyballerina Stubbed my toe on something dh "forgot" to put away. After I calmed down he says... "You're not gonna John and Kate me, are you?"
CassGaff Is watching secret life and jon and kate with devs :)
JenZen73 Good thing "jon & kate" is trending higher than Iran and #iranelection. Wouldn't want our priorities to come under fire.....
nikobatallones Watching Jon and Kate's separation announcement. Nonchalant, at the very least.
rbrianj Jon & Kate just knocked out #iranelection as the top hashtag. I think I want to vomit.
johndheil never seen this show before so with no prejudgement I have to say, Kate seems like kind of a bitch. TLC has ruined these people. sad.
lowmiles @jenniferweiner Oh, but wait, there's more: "I just need relief now," Kate said. "I need to turn the page." But the show must go on! WTF??
StormSurge Apparently, I'm the only person in the world who doesn't give a crap about Jon & Kate. Is their 15 minutes up yet?
ShannonMcFadden i am on kates side fyi for those who keep asking... #jon&kate
AnnushkaD Kate sucks balls and is a horrible/terrible mother, Jon needs to man up and make sure his children are safe and off the show! Fuck Kate!
WordofMouthAtl @msbgoya Okay so what happened on Jon. & Kate Plus 8?
emmayohh @imaudrey hahaha, we're texting about Jon&Kate right now:)
ShawnONeal Jon+Kate+divorce. I'd like to divorce the American press/public for making these people quasi-celebs.
whiningndining Pop culture is insidious. I never even watched Jon&Kate and now I have opinions on their marriage, their parenting and esp. her hair.
vrsj I don't know who Jon and Kate are but I'm sure they're not important enough to be clogging my Internet tubes.
chewmylips just saw an irl kate gosselin haircut
rosario0829 kate run everything or the house will fall apart
ecdesignz Reality TV ruins lives. What were Jon & Kate thinking? less than 20 seconds ago from web
MartyWaddell How many times can Jon of Jon & Kate say like-uh-ya know-awesome. & Im only 32 years old. Like, uh, ya know, what's that supposed to mean?
DJCrooked Between Jon & Kate plus 8 getting divorced & Jojo from Runs House getting locked up 4 smoking weed...reality tv is getting kind of real.
No_Drama_Mama @PimpMySextuplet People.com reporting Kate filed based on Jon's actions over the weekend. He forgot to charge for autographs! hee hee
darinblass Had a good dinner- watching Jon and Kate Plus 8's big announcement.
stevenmarsh Gosh, what with news of the spinoff series, I don't know if I want to start watching JON PLUS 4 or KATE PLUS 4.
bobreinard for those who dont know what John & Kate +8 is Kate is a psycho bitch who treats her husband like shit and John who apparently has a load
sivanik it's sad to think what's going to happen to jon & kate's kidsss...!!!
tvguyhal 'Jon & Kate Plus 8': End this show, TLC http://tr.im/pptT
HannahDel jon and kate are getting a divorce =(
sexytwin2121 Very sad about Jon and Kate divorce
deets047 I will miss the old jon and kate :(
stanyann I think that if the Gosselins get divorced Jon & Kate Plus 8 should be cancelled. TLC had 5 hours of them tonight. That's way too much. :-(
spoiledmom Something tells me that Hef will be calling Kate Gosselin soon-if not already.Kate the Playmate-Kate said she would do anything 4 the kids.
stephaniecea I honestly think I may be the only young person that doesn't give a flying fuck about Jon and/or Kate. Sorry, America.
stlsmooth Damn....jon and kate gettin a divorce wit 8 damn kids????????????
hezucker so sad abut jon and kate :(
akalisser Who cares about Jon & Kate divorcing. The whole situation was annoying anyway. I feel sorry for the children. They don't deserve this. less than 20 seconds ago from web
LaRuelas24 Jon & Kate getting a divorce!! Like we didn't see this one coming..SMH
wisdomismisery @h0lliewood word, forget Jon & Kate -- in other news, your profile pic is hot! lol
juanitocabrone In a banshee, soul devouring way. RT @allahpundit Kate *is* kind of attractive...
moneyisgood Jon & Kate Gosselin File for Divorce at The Insider: Money is the problem, inflated ego's and Kate's.. http://tinyurl.com/knc2je
XanderDeccio I'd rather endure a marathon of Fox News then watch Jon & Kate + 8. Who cares about them. Honestly did they sell their soul for their show?
michaelmarting @jonursenbach Jon & Kate probably just aired or something. Once the Americans go to sleep it'll probably die down.
RyanTKnight Watching John and Kate +8... super hard to watch, this breaks my heart...
simasays So it's divorce for Jon & Kate. http://tr.im/ppn6 Wouldn't want to be paying the child support on that one.
kp0613 jon and kate announced a separation. no surprise there.... its a shame though.
madeinbrit No more Jon and Kate? Oh well.. that Kate is a mean mum, she needs to put in a mental house!
briemarie05 I can't watch Jon and Kate Plus 8 anymore :( I feel like my own parents are getting divorced. PS SWEET earrings Jon...barfo
jacquisilis jon & kate i love that show been watching since the beginning they used to be so happy and normal... boo hoo so sad
kamscottxxx RT @Jeremy_Feist: I love how Jon & Kate are bigger than Iran right now. Basically, two self-absorbed fame whores > AN ENTIRE NATION.
ADubb1217 i heard jon and kate r getting a divorce...wat a bad decision for the kids...how is that ever gonna work??
FeistyBunny68 Stopped watching Jon & Kate over a year ago. How sad for the kids to have become tabloid fodder along w/parents. YUCK!!
ReneeMangum TLC should CANCEL Jon and Kate Plus 8! Who wants to watch another family go through a divorce, TLC SHOULD HAVE NO PART!
nickayla i think my cousin and i are the only ones who like kate..haha
JenWozniak @mbernatavitz i'm so upset about jon and kate :(
beardo12 I wonder will it be john plus 8 or kate plus 8 if they get a divorce
cadwaladr @ratherconfused Well, Jon sleeps around and Kate abuses the children, so that's going to generate some talk. Dunno about the others.
KristenNS jon & kate was sad tonight...i am at the point where i feel guilty watching the show...and then i remember that no one forces them to do it.
Perez Hilton The World's Biggest "PUNK"!
Most people who even care to know who this "PUNK BITCH" Is rarely do they care to hear anything he has to say, an distastful, poorly dressed HUGE girly man, Perez calls himself a celebrity blogger. However all he really seems to do is suck off of the fame of those he writes about, he is to bloggers what those popparrizi are to people who true artists of photography. Perez calls names, and talks about those in the lime light than he trys to make them look like animals if they charge back at him for his remarks. His latest stunt should have him kicked out of the LGBT community all together!! I mean calling an innocent man that was just asking for you to stop the negative blogging about him a "faggot", I mean how low can one go? Perez is one of my biggest loosers for the month of JUNE.......
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