Yeah Yeah Yeah here I am again with somethings that I have seen or heard that have pissed me the hell off!!! Okay let us start with these children without any fuc*king guidance or anything else to do put hump on one another without using protection, before they even loose all their damn baby teeth. I was doing some research for my last blog about the BASTARDS at MTV who started a new show called '16 & Pregnant'. A show that is a reality show that even though the DUMB BASTARDS that produce this ass wiping material don't seem to care about the endless damn moronic children that are going to try and produce a baby just so they can be featured on the show. Because of course as we all know most damn kids want to be on television, and of course the shows producers do not look for these people but these children seek out the producers to be on the show. SO of course they seem to show the little children's pregnancy from the beginning until the birth of the child's child. So this means that these teens happen to get pregnant and than JUST happen to contact the show JUST at the right time to be featured on this show...hhhmmmm!!! SO where are the producers minds besides up their fuc*king asses because maybe at least ONE of the bastards would stop to think 'hey wait, I think kids are just trying to get pregnant just to be on the famous MTV!' NO!!! That would be to much like right now wouldn't it?
Any way back to my research while looking for somethings on this peace I ran across a few stories about BABIES HAVING BABIES. I came across this story of a 13 year old boy named Alfie Patten that was a father, he and the babies 15 year old mother are pictured above this blog. The 13 year old had been wanting to have a baby with his than 15 year old girlfriend, because Alfie's 13 year old sister was already a mother, WTF??? Are you serious? This is some crazy ass shit, the sister blames their father because he left their family to go off with a 19 year old friend of his step daughter, and they are now living together. The father blames the mother he claims that the mother wasn't giving the young boy Alfie enough love and attention, so he went else where to seek out love. Now Alfie is 13 years old and smaller than my 9 year old daughter, he weighs less and his about four feet tall and there are rides in an amusement part that this little boy can not even ride on, but he chose to ride on his 15 year old girlfriend instead. I am pissed so I am going to move on....this cause by the way took place in Europe and in early 2009 it was proven that Alfie Patten is not the father of Chantelle Stedman’s baby, DNA test reveals. Alfie was said to have taken this news very hard because he wanted to be the father of this child. The young 15 year old girl slept with several boys in her class and they all came forward after Alfie was named the child's father after further testing it was proven that another 15 year old boy was the actual father, his name is Tyler Barker. SAD SAD SAD WORLD THAT THESE CHILDREN ARE LIVING IN HAVING SEX AT 12 LIKE YOUNG ALFIE AND HAVING SEVERAL SEXUAL PARTNERS LIKE CHANTELLE AT 15 YEARS OLD.

In a world where people like (REV) Jimmy Swaggart can publicly and openly declare that her would kill a gay man, in a world where in places like; Iran, Mauritania, Saudi-Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Nigeria (death penalty applies to 12 Northern provinces with Sharia law) many more gay and lesbian people would be killed for being openly gay. This is the hatred that many LGBT people have got to live with; Swaggart had stated, according to a transcript of the program, “I'm trying to find the correct name for it...this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men.” Then he added, “I’ve never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I’m gonna be blunt and plain: if one ever looks at me like that, I’m gonna kill him and tell God he died.” Swaggart apparently got a positive response from the congregation. This is America and people have the freedom to say exactly what the want, exactly what is on their minds, they can even openly premeditate the murder of an innocent person, because LGBT people have no human rights and are looked at as less than animals. There are even better laws protecting animals than there are ones protecting those individuals that love someone of the same sex. Let us all write a letter to Barack Obama;
President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 2050
Okay, have you ever gone some where and than been floored by the ignorance of the person ringing up your groceries? Or the person collecting your cash at the gas station? Or the tech at the eye glasses store? Or the customer service rep. at COMCAST, (PECO) LOCAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, (PGW) OR YOUR LOCAL GAS COMPANY? Well I have and I am really getting sick of this BULLSH*T!!! I mean come on, people aren't you happy to be employed? Do you watch the news? DO you know that car companies, car dealers, stores, huge chains of resturants, are closing down because there is a lack of money flowing as there once was. I mean these people seem so unhappy to be at work, call Comcast report some trouble with your cable, or even try to pay your bill over the phone?! I mean you would be amazed, you would think that you actually called one of these people at their home and were bothering them while they were asleep. I mean it sets me back every time I have to deal with these rude ass people that are being rude to you while their getting paid by their employers, the people you pay, to be rude as hell to you. I am sure that, the bathroom in that Wal-mart would not be dirty as hell if more and more people would get off their asses and complain, write a letter, hell take a picture with our cellphone. There is so much that can be done in this day and age it is unreal, even if your don't want to go buy some stamps, go to the mail box to mail that letter, you can go to Google and find a email form to express any issues that you may have had with these rude customer service individuals. Comcast has been one of my biggest problems, they are very rude. I mean since I live in a suburb of Philadelphia I often find myself at the end of some sort of racism, such as yesterday while at the Abington Public Library. We all always going to have to deal with these forms of hatred because people are just down right ignorant and very stupid. And even than that is a time that needs to be set aside, have a pen and paper write a damn letter! People we are never going to change anything from our sitting around and bitching and moaning....WRITE A LETTER!!!!
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