Hell it sounds easy enough, well let's try it!? After giving the book The Secret away as a gift because I refused to read another pointless self help book that featured rich assholes telling us dirt poor folk what we're doing wrong in our lives. For instance the was an Oprah show where a woman was talking about money and say many people stay poor because open your pocket? Look at how you keep your money in your pocket? You don't respect it! It may be all balled up, not neatly folded and together............WAIT!! DID THIS CHICK SAY WE DIDN'T RESPECT OUR MONEY? Who in the hell thinks money deserves respect? I mean the actual green bills with the old dead guys on them!?! We need to respect them? How exactly does that work? But there beside her Oprah sat and nobbed her head in agreement or was she thinking "WTH did I let this chick on my show for??" Who knows but this was what I kept in mind when thinking about self help books. So than comes along the book entitled "THE SECRET" now like any lazy ass I do not read this book, but one day come upon it "THE BOOK" via a documentary! NOW THIS IS WONDERFUL NO READING! (I actually like to read though) any way so I watch this documentary and there it is all laid out for me the actual thing that can change my life, mind, body and soul. Now the information is deep but also takes daily reminders to actually do what it tells you. Simply stated POSITIVE THOUGHTS bring POSITIVE OUTCOMES! WOW!!! How simple a concept I never even knew this little thing could make such a huge difference. Now come on, we've all heard this before, when thinking something we've done, or made wasn't good enough, you always get that hey think positive. Or if we think we failed a test in school, or even if we have something lost or stolen from us, hey "look on the bright side!?" these are ways of people telling us to think positive. Of course in life with all the trials, tribulations. heartache and issues we want to have a pity party from time to time, oh why me? Oh this always happens to me, omg! This has been my life in a nutshell from an abusive dangerous childhood, to a loveless, stressful and broke adult life I am always feeling bad for myself or my child because I may not have what I think she needs or what she wants which I never had as a child.
After digging in deep and getting to listen to what some of the people had to say about positive thinking making a huge change in their lives I was able to realize where I have gone wrong in the past. I mean negative thoughts are going to come but there needs to be time and energy set aside to allow the positive ones in as well. The book also explains it in much more vivid details as well. Let me tell you how powerful the power of THINKING POSITIVE can be!? Perfect example I said earlier in this blog that I had given away a copy of the book The Secret, well I was unsure it was either a friend or my mother I had given the book to. So after watching this documentary I call my mother. I asked her if she had read the book, she replies no but you gave me a copy of it. Now I begin to tell her about the book and the documentary about the book that I had watched, now I was on my cellphone, the battery was not low or dying, however when I went to reveal to her the book and what it was about the phone just beeped and powered itself off. Now for sometime I was calling her back from the home phone, she was calling me back on the cell, or home phone and getting voice mail. Now we eventually got reconnected, however I explained to her SEE, SEE HOW POWERFUL WHAT I AM ABOUT TO TELL YOU IS? I mean even the devil didn't want me to reveal this to her, and I only decided to do so because she was sad, she was feeling useless, negative and started off really upset with her life. So I talked and talked about being positive claiming things as hers and not saying "I hope", "I need", "I wish", I was telling her to claim these things as done, as yours and as already gotten. Think if we all could just stop worrying about not having, to having, to planning out what we were going to do with IT when we got it. There are tests there are tests everyday, I mean HELL just this past day I had a test, I thought someone really wanted to purchase and was going to purchase my washer and dryer, I was planning on having more space, more money and all that comes with it. However I was skeptical, I was listening to someone that was NEGATIVE AND DOWN RIGHT HATEFUL!! I mean with friends like this who needs enemies. But that's the true test of life, now I feel a little bit like I've failed, like I've made a grave mistake and people saw me fall off of my square off the road to positivity. Even when cleaning out the closet I located another copy of the book, The Secret which is news to me because I had no idea I had a second copy sitting around, however I never would've found it had I not looked through the things in the way of the washer and dryer. So another TRUE STORY!! I went to sit down and read the book just for refresher, for more things to help me on the road to being more positive, the book drops and falls under the bed, bed a heavy foot locker, I was so tired and sweaty I just left it there. But today I have it by my side as I try and teach you to work on thinking positive. There is a story in the book used as an example of positive thinking. It is Aladdin, with the genie in a magic lamp, now we all know the story however the book goes on to say how modern day has the story going as Aladdin only gets three wishes where as in the original story he gets an unlimited number of wishes. Now it uses the genie as an example of our universe and Aladden makes wishes which we can call POSITIVE or CLAIMING thoughts and the Genie says your wish is my command and grants them. Many people can say this is BS it doesn't work however laws of attraction do work, people have also been known to take positive thinking to a level of healing their own bodies. Many of you can even think back to when you thought about something so negatively and you turned out hating it but was it really that bad? Or did you in your mind just turn it into something more than what it was? It's like during an episode of Wife Swap when this couple went to visit million dollar homes that were on the market and than they'd take a picture of themselves outside of the houses. They were doing something that works for many people and that is knowing what you want, keeping pictures of it to focus on, and in essence claiming them as yours which are all ways to make sure you stay your mind on the goals at hand and keep the positive juices flowing at all times. Once I drove around a neighborhood not to far from here, Lynda and I took pictures of some of the more beautiful, huge well kept homes and we decided that we would print these out and use them as something to look at when we thought about the future. Now I have no idea where these pics are now and why we never downloaded them to the computer, but the process will be revisited, redone if need be. So check out a website or two or even buy or read the book The Secret, make a change for the positive there is always something out there to look forward to, just keep your eyes on the prize.

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