Okay my daughter has been really into animal facts, so she's been always begging for us to watch programs on The Animal Planet. Well, the past few days the three of us including my ex, we all pile up in the bed and watch an episode or two. Well, there's a show about freaky animal mishaps, than one about underwater creatures, and one about bears. Her favorites have been about the kings of the African Safari the lions. There was this one show which, showed what components made up a pride of lions. There was one pride which was full of females, their cubs and what seemed to be one male. The two of us watched this intensely while we had to seem to teach my ex about what she seemed to keep missing. Despite the fact that she was right there she must've been drawn into her cellphone or something else. But any way there was another male on the brawl while the male of this particular pride was off searching for food. This unknown male, if he had taken over this pride he'd kill all the cubs. So these females refused to let that happen, they all got together and attacked this unwanted male. Shortly after the male that belonged with that pride returned and he smelled that there had been an intruder in his area. He sought out this male, but he had no need to fight him because the male ran off since he was already wounded from the attack by the female lion. This made me think about how humans can be just like animals in the sense of interactions. Now how often has another male tried to break up a happy home? And than the horrible thought that not only did this lion want to take over but he would've killed all the cubs. Hhmmm makes me think of a certain type of make and he has the nerve not to want to raise his own children but let alone some other man's. But I'll leave that out, trying to move negativity outta my life. These animals are all about surviving it's OUR lives but on a no frills level. They simply, reproduce, eat, sleep, shit and sometimes they even manage to get in some time to relax and play with the cubs. Now since we don't know their form of communication we can't really observe them in conversation. We already know there's no arguments about the light bills or who's turn it is to pay the cable bills. The male lion needs to eat at least 15 pounds of meat everyday, they can eat up to 75 pounds in a feeding. In that area of Africa it rains from November to April than the other months of the year it is dry season. These are probably their biggest concerns. I've often thought of what life would be like if I just lived it a little more simple instead of all connected to this electronic world. Cable seems to be something many people can't live without, I think I'd like to consider myself a part of this group, however I don't even need to cable movie channels I just like some of the others USA, TLC, TNT, REALTV (of course), LIFETIME, CMT and of course THE ANIMAL PLANET.
Heck I think it would do us all good to take a break from this computer based life we've been living.
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