“I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?” ― John Lennon
Monday, December 21, 2009
Still so ignorant our Black society is Mr. James Baldwin..oh so so so sad sad sad sad sad our people our people have learned nothing....
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sick of BS REAL comes to life!
My biggest big big big one are people that are ugly inside as well as out who have nasty attitudes as if they could have their pick of anyone out there. I mean do these people not look into a mirror with working eyes? These people usually talk about others, dress in expensive clothing however don't dress well, usually gossip, are party heads, usually claim to have so many friends but don't really have a true friend who'd wipe their ass if they no longer could. Uughhh I'm even to pissed off to continue this one......to be finished at another time........
Back to my cave......

Sunday, November 8, 2009
It called Crush because that's what happens to your heart...
1 a : to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure
2 : hug , embrace
3 : to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding
4 a : to suppress or overwhelm as if by pressure or weight b : to oppress or burden grievously
5 : crowd , push
Now with the exception of #2 many of these don't sound to great. You know why? Well I'm going to tell you these are usually the things that happen to your heart when you have a crush on someone. Come on, seriously now a days and even in the past people don't have a "crush" on someone than end up with that person. That's some complete and utter bullshit! People pick someone for their ass, or how much money they have, how pretty their face is, how sexy their body may be, or maybe what their position in life may be. Than they ask them out, and date them than maybe even than they don't click or even like the person. However for what ever superficial reason they still may give it another shot, than they may eventually develop feelings for the person or they're a complete asshole and they move onto the next victim.
When you've got a crush on someone your coming to them vulnerable with your hat in your hand asking them to consider you because you've already started feeling for them. Now a crush that's worth any bit of the title would be a situation where the crush-er not only likes what they've seen but some other aspect of the person's personality. Because if it were purely based on looks or appearances it's than entitled "infatuation" not CRUSH. You're even more likely to be luckier if your infatuated with someone than if you've got an old fashioned crush. You're looked at as weird or freaky when you've got a crush and you actually tell the person NNOOOOOO!! That's the worst thing you could ever do, people never understand why you'd like them and than you've left yourself with not only a crushed heart but their entire ass to kiss if you ever try to remain their friend. You'll forever be that creepy loser that likes me, every time you call or come around. Love, relationships are cruel things, they all eventually bring you to your knees maybe what God truly intended which is why there the way they are.
Blessed are those that stand alone for they aren't truly alone but have God beside them....maybe I should get my head outta my ass and get on my knees where I belong!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Not as good as I used to be.......
Friday, November 6, 2009
....Used to be a writer....

Monday, November 2, 2009
Fuck Feelings......Secret life of ME!!

......We got so close yet we're so far away
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Look at 2009 movies Part I

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Nukin for nove in aww da wong place nukin for nove (Eddie Murphy SNL)
The lonely person seeking out love or companionship is often the victim of someone's cruel intentions. Someone who also pretends to be looking for the same things love and companionship however their looking to play on the emotions of anyone willing to fall into their trap. Sometimes we all fall a fool from time to time....however when one becomes complacent with receiving mediocrity it's often hard to know when something good is right in front of your face.
Don't overlook something that may be right under your noes. While searching for that missing piece in our lives someone may hold that missing part that you've been looking for. Be slow, be attentive, be thorough, wait on the Lord to bring fourth your next move. Remember your steps are ordered!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
In the palm of my hand.....
Moving On

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Fu*ken Philadelphia Parking MESS!!!
authority, but what about the mess that is the reason for so many issues
parking tickets? I mean their are to many non-working parking meters
around the city along with not enough ample parking spaces for many
drivers especially for those handicapped drivers. Now does this make any
sense? There's a senior citizens high rise building at 18th and
Springarden streets, why are there only two handicapped spaces in the
front of this building? Than there's one mid way down the block in front
of a small market which is a broken meter!! I have a handicapped placard
and I fed this meter 3 quarters only to get 6 minutes on the meter. Now
if I had stayed their and went to visit my ex's mother for the usual two
hours I would've been ticked because this area is highly patrolled by
the PPA. But who the hell really cares that I lost 75 cents? Who gets
this 75 cents the mafia that is the Philadelphia Parking Authority. When
do they ever issue refunds to people with all the stolen quarters their
machines take from innocent parkers daily? People on the show Parking
Wars offend call the PPA the mafia, however there is some parts to this
that ring true. The PPA is often getting thousands of dollars from
broken meters which actual are set up to steal money from drivers
parking at these meters. This meter was fed by someone else as I
departed the building I noticed a car parked there with some time on the
meter, who knows how much money was fed to the meter to obtain those
minutes. But we all know that the Philadelphia Parking Authority is
stealing from the drivers seeking parking throughout the city...shame on
you PPA and Philadelphia another nasty blemish on your city!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Are parents raising their children? Or just opening the door an sending them outside to play?
I'm sitting here on Moreland Road in Willow Grove, nestled in this quite
community just minutes outside of the noise, crime and filth of
Philadelphia, PA. It's pretty dark outside because street lights are few and far between one another. It's really quite here at night usually except for my ghetto complex filled with old drunks and young fake scared hustlers that rarely travel outside of a five mile radius. Any
way I'm watching a bunch of, what looks like 12 year old skate boarding
and cursing their little ignorant heads off. No, the police haven't stopped passed and moved them on even though their on private property, Yes, the police did drive past in the last few minutes but of course the children don't have the 'complexion' to draw attention from the police.
However these prepubescent nuisance were causing much attention to those near by them, throwing skate boards, screaming at each other, every other word being a four letter one, all this within this sleepy quite well patrolled shopping area.
My actual attitude wasn't with just their behavior or even with the lack
of action from Abington nor Upper Moreland's 'finest' even though they played a large part in that. However I'm wondering where their parents minds were at this moment in time. I mean it's 10pm, rather dark in the burbs, there are many trees, few lights, I mean even at a certain time some of the traffic lights are even turned off or blinking yellow. Out of the three young men the largest appeared to weigh a hundred and twenty pounds soak'n wet! The other two were barely four feet tall, and might not have even weighed a hundred pounds. Now this was maybe a hundred yards from the mall and feet away from closed stores. Why aren't they
even thinking of heading home? Is it just that parents don't place strict enough demands on their children during the summer months? I mean I've got a nine year old and even though we live in a some what peaceful neighborhood, but a rather rough complex I'd NEVER let my child play outside a mist the darkness of night.
These same people are the faces I see when I watch 48 Hours Mystery, claiming 'that things like this don't happen here!' I mean bad things happen EVERY WHERE, especially when parents aren't mindful of where their children are. Danger lurks every where, other children may do something when bored that maybe harmful or dangerous to themselves as
well as others. Within this area there are a number of registered sex offenders as well as other types of criminals that aren't required to register their location. People often think these types of criminals are minorities or are located in so called 'urban' areas like Philadelphia. But within neatly manicured lawns and large southern style homes, or neat little ranchers live the same types of people that reside in all the other areas. It's just quietly kept, secretly cleaned and hidden away. It's the type of criminal to fear, the one that's able to hide
amongst the walls of suburbia. Another thing is what types of things their saying or doing when their not around. I'm sure people know whether or not their children curse
when they think no ones listening. All a parent has to do is keep on open ear when your child's on the phone, or with a friend in the room when they think your out of ear shot! I mean come on what happened to the detective in people? I'm a watcher, I notice things that happen that
others don't, I feel people's feelings, I study eye movement, facial movements that let onto a person's feelings or thoughts. I watch, I listen, I talk, I question, I focus, I feel, I perceive what's happened, happening and yet to come. I used to think everyone was like me, but I know their not now. I connect with few people from time to time that are like me, I wish more parents would be like myself, more people need to be in tuned with what's happening around them. Maybe people would be better to one another, maybe people would be able to get together and really change the world.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Rage over Gastric Bipass
places. I was in a room in a building down the street on the 5th floor,
where I dropped of Lynda (the ex) to see the bariatrics doctor. She had
decided as I did a year earlier to check out the option of having the
surgery. Even though I went and did nothing I decided to return on July
the 24th 2009 and try and see if this was a decision for me. I'm still
on the fence after thinking about it over and over I still want to just
lose weight the natural way. I mean yes it's longer, takes more self
control, and is going to take a lot of work on my part.
I'm not very keen on the possibility of dying during a weight loss
surgery when I'm 34 years old. Or awaking a week or two later in the
ICU. I mean all these things way heavy on my mind. However being
overweight has it's tragic effects as well, that could lead to my demise
or eventual death. I mean hell sleeping without my cpap machine is like
risking my life every time I lay down to take a nap or sleep for the
night. There's so much to deal with it's all to much, I just see so many
people rushing to get this surgery people that didn't have the will
power to exercise and eat smaller portions on their own. So to me it's
like risking your life to lose weight for now, but what about the long
I just don't get it..........to be continued...........
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I say a Little Prayer to end Heart Disease...E. Lynn Harris
Thursday July 23rd 2009 of heart disease aggravated by high blood
pressure. It's a great loss however E. Lynn Harris as well as the pitch
man Billy Mays are very high profile examples of the thousands of
Americans that die do to heart disease brought on by untreated or
uncontrolled high blood pressure. The two being African American and
Caucasian perfect examples of how this can affect anyone. This is also
known as the 'silent killer' both Mays and Harris briefly complained of
feeling ill shortly before laying to rest and both were found dead after
falling off to sleep. Mays being 50 years old and Harris a young 54
years old. Many people have not yet made the connection nor used the
both of their deaths as an awakening for the rest of the world. Many
have mourned the passing of the two yet no connections are being made.
I've contacted the American Heart Association as well as the estate of
both of the men to ask if their images can be used in an awareness
campaign to alert other Americans of the results of high blood pressure
and heart disease. Many more people have and will die from this
condition if it continues to go untreated. Congress also must pass the
health care reform bill so that all Americans can have the coverage to
seek care for yearly physicals. Even those without health coverage can
seek out a clinic or free blood pressure screenings in their area, even
if it's at the machine at their local pharmacy. This blog will be
To learn more about Heart Disease go to;
And to purchase books by E. Lynn Harris go to;
They have shipping to many areas of the country!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Little people Big world, pondering....
people Big world', but it's an interesting look at people and the many
difference that they have to endure in their lives. It's not often that
I encounter a Little Person, many of you may be able to say that same
thing as well. The many aspects of their lives are much the same as
anyone else's, except that the world is not built around their physical
stature. Now that's a huge challenge in it's self, because many of the
things most of us do daily, may be more of a task for them to complete.
There's so many interesting things that they most go through to live
their lives. Many of their issues include their many medical problems
that comes with being of small stature. Now these people are like
everyone else, they don't count their many medical issues and their
small stature as a handicap despite how difficult they may be. It's
amazing how the world is set up to accomidate people of 'average'
everything!! I mean seriously, average height and weights are figured
out for us, but people don't fit into these molds which society has laid
out for us these perfect cookie cutter shapes in which many of us don't
fit. See there in lies the rub! People are pre-judged using these
actualizations of what a person should look like, how tall, what they
should weigh, and it leaves no room for any wiggle, I mean a person 20
pounds over their weight sends doctors into panic mood, a person 50
pounds over weight is called morbidly obese. There are places where
people in wheel chairs are unable to gain access, their are entire
stores that sell cloths that many people can't even fit into, hell their
are still pools which won't allow Black children to swim (Valley Swim
Club in Hunting Valley, PA u suck). In this day in age their so much
still to be learned about people and their many differences. This show
just opens your eyes to an entirely different aspect of life in which is
rarely seen by most.
I guess for all the people outside of this cookie cutter shape WE are
all Little People in a Big World!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Fear of fears........

Monday, June 29, 2009
When will Black people RISE UP & restore their GLORY??

LUV YA Ms. Kamille!