Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Rage over Gastric Bipass

I'm sitting here at Thomas Jefferson hospital in the cafeteria of all
places. I was in a room in a building down the street on the 5th floor,
where I dropped of Lynda (the ex) to see the bariatrics doctor. She had
decided as I did a year earlier to check out the option of having the
surgery. Even though I went and did nothing I decided to return on July
the 24th 2009 and try and see if this was a decision for me. I'm still
on the fence after thinking about it over and over I still want to just
lose weight the natural way. I mean yes it's longer, takes more self
control, and is going to take a lot of work on my part.
I'm not very keen on the possibility of dying during a weight loss
surgery when I'm 34 years old. Or awaking a week or two later in the
ICU. I mean all these things way heavy on my mind. However being
overweight has it's tragic effects as well, that could lead to my demise
or eventual death. I mean hell sleeping without my cpap machine is like
risking my life every time I lay down to take a nap or sleep for the
night. There's so much to deal with it's all to much, I just see so many
people rushing to get this surgery people that didn't have the will
power to exercise and eat smaller portions on their own. So to me it's
like risking your life to lose weight for now, but what about the long
I just don't get be continued...........

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