Another gem I ran into on Friday night was this movie with beautiful Colin Farrell playing alongside of Robin Wright, Dallas Roberts and Sissy Spacek. Another LGBT movie I had never even heard of but was surprised to find out that I really really enjoyed this film. Despite the fact that it’s something to be watched with someone to cuddle with (which we know I have NOT) or a good snack and a box of kleenex. It starts from the childhood of the character of Colin Farrell as a child living with his family brother, father and mother. He lives through a very sad and tragic childhood only to end up with one of the most amazing families of one of his male friends. He finds a lovely connection with his friend’s mother played by a beautiful Sissy Spacek who’s own childlike qualities brings out the most amazing side of her.
The two friends separate for sometime than end up reuniting and creating another family bound and connection with one another. Set in Cleveland Ohio than moving to New York City, this film just keeps sucking you in with every move. Many of the few sex scenes for some reason just turned me on.....but that’s for another day. This film was much different than any of the others I've seen but also reminded me a lot of the film entitled Threesome with the two males and female college students sharing a suit together. The love triangle also is very much simiilar as well. However much of the tragedy is a lot deeper, sadder and much more compelling than in the light hearted film Threesome.
Again I have yet to have my faith restored in the fact that I will ever find true, happy or SANE love living this LGBT life. This film also was a tear jerker, it just tugged at my heart and left my pillow wet for the evening, and no that’s not in a good way. "A Home at The End of The World" was well worth my time, however it’s not the happy go lucky love story that I was looking for. This just goes to show me that living the LYFE isn’t one that is very easy. Despite the fact that many try to pretend to be hardcore into this life, I also see why so many people try to leave open that door to always be able to jump back out when things get a little hot. But for those of us who can’t (not for lack of trying) but because we soon rather eat elephant shit than live a life of lies or add extra misery to our lives by trying to be something that we weren’t made to be. Maybe film makers and writers that are LGBT just write about that in which they see, hear of live this is just the pure lives of what we all must deal with.
As I look back over my past relationships I just don’t understand, there was nothing I could’ve done better, or changed except the decisions of being with the people I decided to be with. I have never tried to be someone I wasn’t unless I was trying to be someone that didn’t care, or someone that was more aggressive than I actually am. I have finally stopped trying to beat myself to death for all those that I opened up to or joined into my life, I know now that I am not the only broken person out there, but in my case one of the only ones able to admit that fact. So I am living every day to tape, glue, or staple things back to where they should be. That’s all that matters in life is that we all claim our own shit and decide to do something about making it either go away or at least smell better.
Thanks for reading and as always be real with yourself, than be real to others. The world would be such a better place if we all just were a lot more honest......

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