The Line of Beauty
Over the weekend I watched yet another gay movie in my quest to view just about every LGBT film that I can, actually every film ever made. I have tried many so far at least a hundred in the past few months, some I complete others don’t always make it. However I was pleasantly surprised to actually see some pretty damn good movies that I had actually never heard of before and were some great gay films. The Line of Beauty is a BC video and as I have started to learn a lot of gay films are made in other countries. This one was a lot better than the last one Before I forget the last gay film which was French and had subtitles, oh and let’s not forget it was very very slow depressing and helped to build no hope in the fact thatI would ever find love in my life ever!!
The Line of Beauty in many ways paralleled that of the man’s life in the French film, because both men weren’t able to find a true love to live out their lives with. Each man was hopelessly single and not by their choices either. However in the Line of Beauty the man was much younger and extremely handsome with crystal blue eyes. He was an openly gay male whom was invited to live with his college friend’s wealthy family. Over a period of about five years, this film told the story of this young man as well as the relationship he had built with the sister of the friend. The family appeared to be happy, loving an perfect on the outside however their issues were slowly pealed back as time passed.
There were also similarities in the way that gay males openly or freely engaged in sexual acts with one another. Many of the characters were living secret lives in which they played straight but lived secret lives of sex with men along with drug abuse. This film was set in the 80’s and many of the characters eventually ended up battling HIV or even dying from AIDS. So many had sex in bathrooms, or parks often not using protection even the woman with the were in relationships with weren’t using protection. Not only were the gay or down low individuals spreading their selves around even the father of the wealthy family wasn’t able to keep it in his pants or out of his young secretary.
This film was interesting just above a sleeper though, it was broken down into three episodes maybe that just being a European thing, who knows. However the movie was worth the watch I was drawn into the life of this young man, but only left again feeling empty because it once again shows the only LGBT life I know, and that is one of a lonely nice guy with a string of horrible lots in life and very few decent friends to get them by in life. I have truly got to get out there and find some more pleasant happier GAY films or I will forever lose hope in my big ole gay happy ever after.
Oh and the sex scenes....I don’t know what it is about two guys getting it in that just.......well let’s say I enjoyed it....just being real.
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