....Now Now facebook truly is the place where you can find out some things you'd never imagined and NO I am not talking about my recent fucking heart killing moment when I realized the woman that I was falling in love with all over again had been not only lying about being in a relationship with someone else but basically said that I ain't shit NEVER was shit and NEVER will be shit without her because...my apartment, car, 35 years of living had all been taken care of by her. AND even with this information I was still loving me some her willing to just move it along because God knows I need more people around me that belittle, or just outright hate that I breath air---->>> Life hurts! However moving right along, my BLOCK list on facebook is growing ever so long. I think that it's the best feature in the WORLD and EVERY social networking site should have it especially @TWITTER *hint hint* !! For those that don't know anyone and everyone on facebook has a button that it's called BLOCK is on the left hand side of the page several inches below their profile picture. This lovely feature let's you make someone disappear from your life all together, only if life had one also @God.... Any way you can have the same friends even, you can even reply to the same status posts and everything, they can't read what you type and you can't read what they type, they can never search you to find your page because it won't come up as long as their logged onto the page you blocked them from. Found out about this feature the hard way also, thanks hurt & pain for being there for a sister.
I was friends with an ex despite the fact that I had known she made up many of her stories, (because they made no sense what so ever also because the dates were always off exp. she claims to have been "common law" married to a man for 8 years until she was 22 years old 22-8=14 however when I meant her she was about 23 and had been with her girlfriend for 2 years, plus my ex and her were dealing with the same dude she claimed to be in love with him and that he was moving from Baltimore to Chicago to marry her, however he says he never meant her in person and that they were just Internet friends) Okay back to the story, I knew she was a lame, always seeking out the next girlfriend secretly dealing with males, however she would get hurt by these people, lose her job, her home all types of things while in between relationships. She always called me sad, lonely, broke, I had even went as far has buying her a plane ticket from Chicago to Philadelphia, knowing she was broke, fed her, entertained her the entire week she was here. When she got her job with Chase Bank she went through a few girlfriends and was always arguing with them, however she had promised me a paid for flight out there to Chicago. But with all that going on, at her end there never was any good time to come so she never made good on her promise. Well recently she did it again made all these promises, after getting another job a few months ago along with some chicken head girl she stopped calling, started spending money, taking trips and all. SO I the original wimp, decided that I had, had enough, I had posted a status directed at her but quickly removed it than emailed it to her directly. I told her I was done with her always calling me in need of money, help, a listening hear, and making all these promises only to break them one by one. Within a few moments she not only blocked all her numbers were deleted, the explanation was clear plain and straight to the point.
Now as for a someone I thought of as a friend in spite of the fact she'd "place me on time out" because she would say she didn't like my attitude. Now I was told once a long time ago to leave her crazy ass alone, than my most recent ex said to me "who the fuck does she think she is? I mean to put a grown as woman on time out, she complains about her life, family and relationship more than you do I wouldn't fucking be friends with her ass!" However since this information was coming from someone that let people she called friend make her cry, leave her high and dry or in a few cases drunk in the ghetto of Philly, I took it in one ear and out the other I've always known that no one is perfect and that's usually how I accept people, hence why I am always giving several chances for people to abuse the fuck outta me! Any way this one day I called her she decided to scream and holler about me much of what she said was totally not true however I sat listening to her scream because I was respectful of the fact that I considered her a friend even though all her actions over the last fifteen years YES 15 years had always shown she was selfish, always about herself, always on a power trip, always negative about her own sister's and father, yet when I tried to talk I was always over talked by her given her entire life drama. Which made this conversation so amazing to me, because she claimed I was always in a woe is me state always posting about everything negative to go on in my life. . . . .when I simply tried to ask her to name ONE or TWO negative things in my life that I was going through she couldn't even do so. . . .but continued on with her ranting. I listened she said barely anything that made sense to me, and she clearly spoke on things that could be checked for reference, my facebook stats, a friend and I both scrolled back over the months nothing.....this friend was even more drawn a blank that I was. Than she said I complained about my life, yet she couldn't state any lists of things that I had called her to speak about, also since all my calls are via a cellphone there aren't even many records of me even calling her much over the past few months let alone years. She's since been blocked, numbers deleted, everything done for good this time around.
So what I've learned is that there is a lot to learn from facebook, people are a lot of things however you never really know their "real" intentions until you read something from their inner minds. Whether it's a post, a comment, a link they add all these things tell you what a person is about, what they are interested in, what their political views are even if they don't fill out that part on their profile some point of view or another will pop out. I found out another high school friend is a racist, but probably didn't even know it, however black people eating chicken jokes aren't actually the most politically correct comments have on your page and this was a full blown conversation that happened on her page more than once even. Look it's easy to get quick sound bites into a person's mind via twitter or over a chat line, but facebook is where people seem to always fuck up, let out to much of their feelings towards something than end up losing a real life friend. My block list in long but there's no telling how long it'll get over a lifetime. . . . . .
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