Saturday, September 11, 2010

See my life....

If I were a human camera, my eyes the lenses, my brain holds the sensor, my hands hold the pen which writes down the images, and life is the subject. I have been so many places, not as in reference to distance traveled, but emotions, situations, and circumstances. I've been lost, lonely, loved, lied to, hated, hurt, hindered, inspired, homeless, poor, beaten, abused, misled, sick, healed, blessed, the list could go on and on. The options haven't been many, the resources haven't been great but the ride has been something worth I write!

I can't take those images stored in my head, heart or soul and clearly print them out for all to see. But I can write what they looked, felt, and even smelled like. I can give you something on the same paper in which hold photos of some of the world's greatest events to ever take place, or some of the worst places to have ever been. I can place you right there with me, feeling the feelings I've felt, knowing the knowledge I know, being where I have already been. With the words on the paper I can out do Norman Rockwell any day, I can make the thousand words of a picture become the hundred thousand words of an actual experience. I can bring worlds together, I can tear them apart, I heal your pain or give you immense sadness. With the images I bring forth from my human camera you can see what I've got inside myself, you can feel what I've felt, you can experience my pain, laugh at my joy, embrace my experiences.

If once we would all take the time to become human cameras and write down the visions of where we've been, done, or seen, the world would have more understanding. If more understanding is brought fourth than so can more compassion, sympathy and concern. No longer would we all be blind to the places one another has been, the life we've lived or the things we've seen.

To be continued.......

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