......Funny it's my fault for looking, however it's my Macbook and for the years I have been with "her" nothing I have texted, emailed, posted, said, thought or done has been my own information. However at a time when I am going through so much, physical, mental, emotional, family, illnesses, issues, depression, I find out that everything I have thought was private or things that didn't even happen SHE made up about me and posted for all her friends to see and read and comment. Crazy because I've been asking for a few months now why we couldn't be friends on Facebook, not knowing that all the time SHE has me blocked on her facebook which is why I could never find her page. I mean things that I've thought about, things that I've talked to her about, things I've said to her or my daughter she either posted them, distorted them or just outright lied about them. I mean I have done or said things in anger but never would I have a secret girlfriend and lay up with "her", never would I even lie about liking someone, I thought that honesty was what WE were going with! I mean I'm not crying about it just don't feel like doing that however at this time in my life I thought that I had made an honest friend that maybe I didn't make the mistake in choosing a person to be in a relationship with.......however I was wrong DEAD wrong....my hands are shaky, my mind is racing, my spirits are down......I never thought that this would ever be me, happen to me....I mean almost four years of being with someone I thought maybe...just maybe I might have lucked up and found a pretty decent person. NOT!!! I mean since the years I thought maybe growth was coming, I thought maybe honesty was already in place......I thought maybe not crazy like I once thought! But yes crazy, yes a liar, yes immature.....and I am here left picking up the pieces and trying to get my life back on track....my feelings back in order...........my hopes up that maybe someone some where is sane, mature, honest, loving, and not looking to move from one situation to another, not using Facebook as a dating site, or as a soapbox to stand on to make up all these lies about everything. I mean who does that? All along I was willing to share my Facebook information, because I AM NOT DOING ANYTHING CRAZY!!! I mean every time I turn around there's that same crazy, useless mother fucker standing before me and I am just as dumb to open up my life and let in another loser. I know I have a crazy dysfunctional family but if someone choses not to deal with their family thats one thing BUT if someone's family REFUSES to deal with them than that shows you that they have a shit load of issues and you need to fun as fast as you can from that LOOSER!!!! Another sign they have no friends, or are constantly losing friends and moving onto new ones thats a sign that maybe you too need to run before you get eaten up by this person.
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