The infamous hateful church of operating under as an independent Baptist church out of Topeka, Kansas with the name Westboro Baptist Church, which is really actually a hateful racist family of about a hundred people or so seems much to me like that of the Catholic Church. Despite the fact that there are no written statements of racism among those operating the church, only racism can be seen from some of the acts in which the Catholic Church performs. Such as in many of the areas where African American, or Hispanics send their children to Catholic schools the monies collected from the families for their children's education the funds are usually sent to the suburban schools to help towards their buildings and other needed expenses. Than when it comes time to close schools do to lack of funding they usually close schools in the Black or Hispanic communities first despite the fact that their enrollment is still strong. In the past few months the Catholic church closed a program feeding the homeless because the organization in which was the actual facility in which those individuals would receive their meals didn't protest strong enough against same sex marriages. Even though those homeless have nothing to do with gay marriage they will go without food because of the angry evil Catholic Church. In many ways they seem to have the belief and feelings of those of the Westboro Baptist church. Members of the Westboro Church protest outside of funerals of American soldiers, where as of course many Catholics wouldn't actually believe in being so extreme however there is very little difference in stopping a food program for the needy because of gay marriage beliefs of a third party organizations intuitiveness. The Westboro Church is in many ways hurting the minds and futures of the young children in which are members. The same goes for the many children that have been molested over the hundreds of years during the rampage of pedophilia running wild among the priests operating within the Catholic Church. There are several hundred reported cases however there could be an unknown number of unreported cases do to the fact that many of the victims probably are embarrassed about sharing what has happened to them, or traumatized more than they even know and have suppressed the incidents. The Catholic Church has provided a place for these child molesters to hide and to continue to perform their acts on new helpless victims. Yet the Catholic Church continues to focus on the fight against homosexuality. With all the ills in the world it is amazing that members of the Catholic Church feel comfortable continuing to be members of this organization. Among these acts of hatred that BOTH organizations seem to hold so dearly the Catholic Church still holds woman back from being anything more than just nuns. The Catholic Church also fights to have sexual education withheld from students despite the fact that this is the deadliest era for sexually transmitted diseases that can not be cured and ultimately can lead to death. Sexual education is never the less EDUCATION and the fact that the church wants to treat education as if this is some third world is extremely sad, so if the church is fighting sexual education that it's no doubt that it's teaching it's members to NOT teach sexuality to their own children, which again is leading to something horrible. Many people probably don't see the link to teaching sexual education to children and these same children falling victim to molestation at that hands of their own family priest. If many members of the Catholic Church treat sex and sexuality as something to be hidden than this may lead to future incidents of continuing molestation because many of the children may not even know that what is or has happened to them is or was wrong. For now though the Westboro Baptist Church claims to have placed the Catholic Church on it's list of people in which they hate as well, along with the United States, Ireland, Italy, Jews, Hindus, Islam, Blacks, Hispanics and many other races. For now the best way to handle the WestboroBaptist Church, however the Catholic church is hard to ignore because they continue to use their money, members and programs to interfere with every ones every day life. If their not spreading hate of miseducation of the bible, Christ, his mother Mary than they are using their members hard earned money to spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to spread their hatred for homosexuals, minority groups or they use the funds to move child molesters to a new church to hide them or provide them with fresh victims, or their spending the funds to provide legal assistance to these priests. The fact that education is fundamental, yet millions of people continue to provide support to any HATE group that operates under the name of God or Christ is actually very very sad. One day maybe we'll all be able to witness the fall of these evil hateful groups or clans and than people can truly focus on doing good for God's people and stop focusing on the things that are taking places in people's beds.
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