Mommy and daddy in the home together, dressing in slacks and button down shirts to go to school, no bad words, chores a must, respect for adults neighbors and everyone, God, school and family. There were daddies working hard to bring home the money to take care of their wives and children. People were getting married instead of making babies, having baby mommas, or baby daddies! Children knew their fathers, people knew their grand mommas on both sides of their families. Children weren't so overweight, rude, uneducated, wild, uncontrolled, sneaky, lost as they are now in 2010. The Black family stuck together not only with each other but with other Black families, respect for one another was the rule. Love for race, life and the Lord were always first and upfront.
Now babies don't know who their daddies are, the saddest part is many don't know where their mommas are either. Children run the streets at all hours of the night, parents don't know where they are or what their even into, children curse at very young ages because no one has told them any better or their parents think it's funny or cute. Education is poor, parents don't bother to teach outside of school, parents don't bother to even get involved and go into the school. Black children don't know the joys of many things that their white counter parts, swimming lessons, cheer leading, gymnastics, playing musical instruments, time spent away from the front of the television. I mean yes there are those rare few that have wonderful fathers in their lives, but these fathers are always being hit with the hatred that many woman feel for their absent ass fathers or babies daddies. So much that it's become a social norm for males to be bashed by woman and nothing much else thought of those who have done their jobs, stayed around and loved, raised and cared for their seeds.
The Black family is dying and dying quickly, there are many sites on the net, agencies and groups out there that are fighting to get fathers to be in their children's lives. Money that could be used or redirected else where is people would just do what they used to do, back in the 60s and 70s just take care of their children. Black people get your boys off of the corners to hang out and get them into programs, jobs, volunteering to help out in their communities. Give your children extra lessons teach them what the public schools won't and that is about being BLACK, proud and about their true history NO WE ARE NOT AND WERE NOT SLAVES we were ENSLAVED we did not choose to be slaves here in this country, we do not choose to be the bottom of the barrel in fields like science, math, spelling we didn't choose to be followed by the police every time we get behind the wheel of a car, we do not choose to be followed every time we enter a damn store. Teach them that if you act and conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful than you have the right to bitch and moan about how poorly your treated. Educate them on how much evil, murder and hatred have been plunged upon other races of people in the history of the world. Teach your children to stop being so damn fresh and trying to fuck one another before they even get out of the 3rd damn grade. Be a stronger force in your Black male son's heads than those looser ass friends that they run with. Woman teach your daughters to stop letting their bodies hanging out, cover their asses and read a damn book instead of shaking their asses outside in front of the entire neighborhood. Black people stop crying over the hand you've been given put down the damn weed, beer, and other drugs and get high off of being a great parent, or get high off of empowering your race, your community, or the fact that your making your ancestors proud that they walked miles for you, were beaten for you, were murdered for you, were wet with fire hoses for you. Make your mark become the strong proud people that were once feared for their strength, bonds, education, restraint, power, become a proud people again instead of the dying breed you've already started to become.
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