I had to write this today to release so many things that are wrong with religion in this world today. . . . . Facebook has been for me one of the largest learning labs I've ever come across in my entire life. It's sad because I really wish some people could step outside of the entertainment and socializing features of facebook and learn from all the things that are posted right before their own eyes. I mean people post, thoughts, comments, quotes, news articles, life affirming things can be picked up from day to day post to post or friend to friend. However what I've noticed that I really don't seem to understand is the self promoting outright narcissistic behavior of people among the cloth. Those that have for some reason or another have decided to join God's team and promote the goodness of the Lord or is it their "goodness" their wishing to promote? I recently in the last few days added a minister/pastor of a church and could not help but see all the promotion of self that was taking place. I mean there is somethings to be learned from those ministers of the Catholic Church I mean minus the hatred, racism, sexism and molestation of the children, woman and minorities, but the good things like the vow of poverty the showing of humbleness among the people doing the work of the God.
I once attended a baptist church for eight years and the comical things about this were the constant preaching of the pastor about his daily struggle to pay bills and keep up with home repairs, yet he was always wearing a new suit, or driving a newly leased vehicle. I mean these things instead of owning a decent car outright, or maybe dressing down to show the people of his church how to relax and direct funds into their homes instead on their backs. As if the words sound better coming out of a thousand dollar suit instead of a twenty dollar dress shirt an a forty dollar pair of slacks. I mean some of the best messages I've ever heard have come from clergy members that were just dressed for the day instead of dressed for an awards ceremony. There is also a difference in church attire along racial lines as well, many people that aren't African American often attend church in much more relaxed clothing, that doesn't make their experience any less that ours. To me it just makes it easier to concentrate on the words being spoken than the pomp and circumstance that's taking place in many of the other churches where the dress code is more important than anything else.
Society ills are a direct reflection of the failings of the leaders within the society. I mean when you say your doing God's work but acting like a model/super star using members of your church as if their your entourage than there is something seriously wrong taking place. The sad thing is that people are blind to this behavior and so willing to follow someone in the name of god despite the fact that they may be leading an example of a life in which no one is intended to benefit from. So for tonight after learning what I now know, I will head to these pages and click on the "remove friend" button and feel sad for all those that don't even know any better to do the same and move from under the shadow of someone that's blocking their view of the true, one and only God.
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