Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nukin for nove in aww da wong place nukin for nove (Eddie Murphy SNL)

Wow! Okay so why is it that when your in need of something you always seem to find the exact wrong thing and lose focus on what you wanted in the first place? Am I making no sense? Well let me clear things up a bit, let's think about a young basketball player, performs like a pro when he's only a high school student. Not naming any names, but the future is looking truly bright for this young person. However instead of focusing on the game drugs enter the scene, I mean this young athlete was looking for something to take the edge off but instead of getting a new hobby, a new dope head emerges. People are always seeking something, whether it's education, money, love, enlightenment, food or whatever as humans we're always seeking something. But that doesn't mean we end up with exactly what we were looking for.
The lonely person seeking out love or companionship is often the victim of someone's cruel intentions. Someone who also pretends to be looking for the same things love and companionship however their looking to play on the emotions of anyone willing to fall into their trap. Sometimes we all fall a fool from time to time....however when one becomes complacent with receiving mediocrity it's often hard to know when something good is right in front of your face.
Don't overlook something that may be right under your noes. While searching for that missing piece in our lives someone may hold that missing part that you've been looking for. Be slow, be attentive, be thorough, wait on the Lord to bring fourth your next move. Remember your steps are ordered!

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