Saturday, June 26, 2010

Obama's Fatherhood initiative program has got me BEYOND PISSED OFF!!!

Delena Williams Just learned from an enrollee about Obama's Jobs Now program. A program where gov pays the non costodial parent a salary of up 70,000. Had no idea hmmm !!

Shihan Britty
Shihan Britty
hahaha you see? Good news like that will never hit mainstream media and if it does they'll put a spin on it and say...parents have rejected plans from Obama and settled for costodial for thought family!!!
Yesterday at 3:35pm ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
I don't understand how is this a good thing?? Seriously not being a smart ass but if you don't have custody of your child why the fuck do you deserve any money for NOT taking care of your child Im lost. If that's true than i think I don't like Obama and I'll join the impeach his ass campaign.
Yesterday at 4:28pm · ·
Delena Williams
Delena Williams
Th goal is to help to place unemployed and low income in jobs with the hopes of them becoming self sufficient @ the end of the program
Yesterday at 8:02pm ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
You know what this is the dumbest thing I have ever heard of in my life.... thanks for posting it. 85% of single parent homes are run by woman, and a large majority of these families are living in poverty this is very scary.
Yesterday at 8:56pm · ·
Delena Williams
Delena Williams
@Tracie No one said women were not qualified .. I am letting you know this persons story, go research it and tell us about it lol
Yesterday at 8:59pm ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
The part that sounds RETARDED to me is that because you give up custody of your child your able to be in this program this seems utterly retarded instead of giving the jobs to the parent that IS the custodial parent for their children their the ones living in poverty because children are put you in the poor house. How is giving money to someone ...See More
Yesterday at 9:03pm · ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
I found it BUT no where does it say that is it paying them 70,000 dollars either... I am good this is still stupid as hell it's part of the fatherhood blah blah cause so many men don't stay around to raise their children this is just stupid!!!
Yesterday at 9:14pm · ·
Delena Williams
Delena Williams
I know someone in the program, and he gets $35,000 yearly paid weekly and I stated UP TO $70,000 based on the job your doing.
Yesterday at 9:18pm ·
Kelly Howard
Kelly Howard
Okay, I did a bit of research. I hit Google and Bing and the only mentions I could find associated with Jobs Now are in Minnesota (, North Carolina ( and San Francisco ( or The Minnesota one is from 1995, has no association with the...See More
Yesterday at 9:37pm ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
@ KELLY thank you I mean if this program really does give deadbeat parents any money than Obama is not going to see a second term this sounds crazy however Google the fatherhood incentive program and there he is giving money to fathers that do not take care of their children. This is just sad because no Where does the program make these parents take care of their children with the funds this is some crazy shit!
Yesterday at 9:47pm · ·
Shihan Britty
Yesterday at 11:12pm ·
Delena Williams
Delena Williams
@kelly, the program exist I dropped my cousing off @ his job and he gets paid weekly from this program. He is now able to provide and visits his daughter regularly and will probably continue this job when the program ends. For him its a blessing.
3 hours ago ·
Vera Bouey-Agee
Vera Bouey-Agee
thanks for the info delena if this gets people to work and off of unemployment, welfare, or being criminals. im all for it no matter what too many people are doing nothing. they need to learn skills and to get the the resume going and hopefully they will then take care of their children. children learn what they see not what you say!! good luck to your cousin.
58 minutes ago ·
Jamil Wilkes
Jamil Wilkes
you guys got it all wrong. its not about deadbeat anything, non custodial just means the kids primary home is either with the mom or the father. the program really was rolled out to encourage businesses to start hiring. businesses said we cant afford to pay salaries so obama came out with a voucher program that enabled the business that hired the ...See More
29 minutes ago ·
Jamil Wilkes
Jamil Wilkes
dont use this simple job stimulas program as a platform for your issues with your own dead beat dads its not even close, its for good people who want to work who have probably been laid off in the last couple years and for businesses who are timid to hire new people for fear of not being able to afford it , to be able to get over the hump becaus eof this economy we are in.
21 minutes ago ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
Actually I refuse to go back and forth if you click the link this is a program for absent fathers it's giving them jobs BUT not teaching them anything about being better parents and taking care of their children. I don't think people are lazy there ain't shit out there for people in need of it. It's stupid to provide jobs to those who have no damn ...See More
12 minutes ago · ·
Jamil Wilkes
Jamil Wilkes
also you have to bring the childs birht sertificate and social security card were they live so if you were a deadbeat dad you wouldnt know all of that so you wouldnt be able to participate anyway. damn . black man does somethn good for not only brothers but tons of other peopl and look at how the sisters treat him. obama is the man.
11 minutes ago ·
Jamil Wilkes
Jamil Wilkes
thers probably more women then men that are participating in jobs now. its hard for men to get any type of custody of children they always give it to the women. just because one person has prmary custody doesnt mean you cant see or participate in the childs life . my daughters mom has primary custody but i can go over her house anytime pick her up ...See More
5 minutes ago ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
When your the parent of the child all that information can be obtained through the agency that issues them you just pay 10 bucks get a copy of the kids birthcertificate and social security card last known address and that's it. Read about the program it's for absent fathers any race!!!
2 minutes ago · ·

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some people need no reason to dislike Obama!

Peter Cappillino

Peter Cappillino OBAMA what does it mean????????ONE BIG ASS MISTAKE AMERICA

Tuesday at 11:36pm · ·
Tracie Henry
Tracie Henry
Yeah right like fucking Bush wasn't come
on give it a break Wtf has he done wrong nothing
Tuesday at 11:44pm · ·
Allisyn Martinez
Allisyn Martinez
Thank you Tracie! Word!
Yesterday at 12:23am ·
Bambi Lee Green
Bambi Lee Green
I have to agree, Bush screwed a lot of things up, Obama was left with all his screw-ups to fix, the economy still sucks I know, but it's gonna take sometime to repair all the damage Dumb Dumb left behind, just my opinion on it anyway.
Yesterday at 12:35am ·
Jennifer Bishop
Jennifer Bishop
i have to agree with you bothers me when people talk about OBAMA like he is responsible for everything and he isn't BUSH is the mistake he fucked this coutry big took 8 years to get the US the way it cant expect one man to fix it in less time then it did to make the mess...again just my opinion...
Yesterday at 1:41am ·
Wallace Beneway
Wallace Beneway
Bush surely fucked things up, but Obama's out of control spending (at nearly $36 BILLION per day) will fuck things up for two or three generations down the road.... Look, it's impossible to spend your way to prosperity,,,, which is something that Liberals have never (and will never) understand....
Yesterday at 7:07am ·