The continuing fall of modern society, man kind for many years has been falling from God's grace. Now times are worse than ever before, I was going to write about Black people and how they are becoming so ignorant while raising a generation of children twice as ignorant as they are. However I decided to include all races of people in this one, because people no matter what their color are really becoming evil. Today I heard, read, and was victim to this and so was my daughter. A white male child called her a "Bitch" today after he said he wanted to "bing, bang, boom in the bed with another little girl." I was reading a status of someone on Facebook where a grown woman was talking about fat people, her and her stupid "adult" friends began by saying "ALL FAT PEOPLE ARE UNHEALTHY". So I questioned how the hell this woman could know each and every fat person on the face of this earth and know that they were all unhealthy. Than I asked her to google what fat was and what deemed someone to be "fat" and someone else not to be. However she didn't but she continued by calling me names by looking at my picture which I have posted on Facebook, she called me names for actually several posts. I was ALMOST pulled into a match of wits with her however I know she had known so I decided to just end it as well as unfollow the female who was just a friend of my cousin's and was always posting stupid shit that made me think she was an ass to begin with.
Now all this has me thinking that people are out there fucking for lack of a better word because many aren't making love, any way their fucking, their making babies BUT their not doing things like going to college, graduating high school, continuing their education beyond college, reading books (besides sex novels & garbage), going to church, volunteering to make a change for something or someone. Than these people are having these children than teaching them. . . . .well nothing because they have really learned NOTHING in their own lives. So we are ending up with children that curse at adults, call other children bitches, fight all the time, stay outside all night long, do nothing in school, fail to grow into mature people. I mean how can they be lead in the right direction when their own parents aren't going any where?? This made me sad, this really upset me much more than it should, it's not about this stranger calling me fat or the little boy in the school yard, even though I am pissed about that little boy saying anything to my child. I am more concerned with the fact that this is the way in which life seems to be heading, the world as we know it is becoming a living HELL!! I mean are we no longer safe in this days society, from the losers in which are breeding faster than those that are more educated can handle. I mean seriously I was watching a White woman at the bus stop trying to get her two boys to stop running all around, she wasn't doing very well she just stood there smoking and screaming at them. While they ran, said bad words and bothered others while they waited for the bus, I was sitting in my car and one of the boys even ran over almost touching my car while running from his mother. Than as she called him three Black children walked passed called his name as to mock his mother, than told the boy to keep running as they laughed. I mean where the hell is the respect?? What ever happened to the day when children got popped for their behavior? Better yet what happened to the day when ADULTS acted like good examples for their children to model? As this "adult" posted these names on Facebook about me I wondered were her children in bed, were they read to tonight, did she pray with them, did she do their homework with them, did she talk to them about their day at school, did she teach them anything today? I wonder if she was proud of herself for calling someone whom she didn't even know names. I wondered if this was something she did every day, but what good had she done today? What did she do to teach a child today? It's really getting sad, I guess Obama should just build more jails and lighten the gun laws because the animals are running wild, it seems that their complacent in their ignorance, their settling for low ceilings, dirty neighborhoods, substandard educations, raunchy neighbors, and stupid, ignorant children that are growing into stupid ignorant adults!!!
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