Anyone interested in a writing contest should enter to win a $25.00 gift card to Bares & Nobles, there will be two winners selected. Please write a letter to (whom it may concern/ or anyone) Write a letter to someone telling them your feelings about gender, and or sexuality. Tell them how you feel about homosexuality, gender roles, transgender issues, hetrosexuality, gay rights, laws about homosexuals being able to adopt or provide foster care and laws whatever comes to mind on the world of gender and sexuality.
All submissions are the property of Drjeckelmrshyde Inc. & Lacey's House Inc. by submitting entries to this contest you give the contest operators rights to reprint your letters, please send your name & email address along with your entries, winners will be contacted via email and than asked where they would like their gift card to be sent. The top two most well written letters will receive the gift cards, letters can be from one page to no more than five pages in length. This contest is open until June 1, 2010 all winners will be contacted by June 30, 2010 winners first names only will be posted on twitter and tumbler via Drjeckelmrshyde. Must be at least 18 years old to enter, if younger must have parent contact form filled out and completed any questions should be directed to Dr. Jeckel via drjeckelmrshyde@gmail.com also all entires must be emailed to drjeckelmrshyde@gmail.com
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