Here's a thought for my sisters. . . . . the next time your walking into a hair store to purchase that weave, wig or lace front ever thought of doing a little math on how much you spend on your hair? Never the less do I doubt you'll ever stop spending so much but next time you hand your money over to the person behind the counter make sure you get a good look at whom your making very rich. Usually it's an Asian an usually if there is a worker employed there with the same hue of skin color as yourself, there usually not allowed to interact with the money just you. The hair is usually not even carried to the counter by you but by an employee, why because the owner of the store doesn't trust you enough to even carry the product unless you've paid for it first. Despite all this obvious racism YOU return within a few short weeks to do it all over again. I've seen woman all shades, shapes, sizes and complexions enter and exit, arriving in anything from the Septa bus to the Lexus all socioeconomic backgrounds, yet why has no one of color opened up their own hair store? I mean yes foreigners seem to get business loans as soon as they jump off the boat, however I'm sure with some investment backers, a little saving and the shear knowledge you may already have dealing with the products I am sure many of you would be a successful business owner. Even all these mega churches popping up not one of them thought of investing in or opening a lucrative business such as a hair supply store? With the fact alone of the treatment that these owners give their customers whom are literally making them rich off of what their wearing on their heads, I for one wouldn't want to shop there any longer. I mean imagine if all woman of color just wore their hair natural, and boycotted these places, you would see the fall of these individuals. No longer would they live out in the burbs and just enter the city to be able to be reached by you, no longer would the ones with sense treat you as if your a thief, no longer would another race of people thieve off of the backs of the Black American, no longer would we send another races children off to college while ours die in the streets.