Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting rich off of your HEAD, here's something to put IN your HEAD!

Here's a thought for my sisters. . . . . the next time your walking into a hair store to purchase that weave, wig or lace front ever thought of doing a little math on how much you spend on your hair? Never the less do I doubt you'll ever stop spending so much but next time you hand your money over to the person behind the counter make sure you get a good look at whom your making very rich. Usually it's an Asian an usually if there is a worker employed there with the same hue of skin color as yourself, there usually not allowed to interact with the money just you. The hair is usually not even carried to the counter by you but by an employee, why because the owner of the store doesn't trust you enough to even carry the product unless you've paid for it first. Despite all this obvious racism YOU return within a few short weeks to do it all over again. I've seen woman all shades, shapes, sizes and complexions enter and exit, arriving in anything from the Septa bus to the Lexus all socioeconomic backgrounds, yet why has no one of color opened up their own hair store? I mean yes foreigners seem to get business loans as soon as they jump off the boat, however I'm sure with some investment backers, a little saving and the shear knowledge you may already have dealing with the products I am sure many of you would be a successful business owner. Even all these mega churches popping up not one of them thought of investing in or opening a lucrative business such as a hair supply store? With the fact alone of the treatment that these owners give their customers whom are literally making them rich off of what their wearing on their heads, I for one wouldn't want to shop there any longer. I mean imagine if all woman of color just wore their hair natural, and boycotted these places, you would see the fall of these individuals. No longer would they live out in the burbs and just enter the city to be able to be reached by you, no longer would the ones with sense treat you as if your a thief, no longer would another race of people thieve off of the backs of the Black American, no longer would we send another races children off to college while ours die in the streets.
When will people get it together, worry about what's in their heads instead of what's on them? When will people of color get it together and recognize the need to invest in something that would benefit their own? If this were a time of the bus boycotts, I am sure there would be no way that another race would be able to get away with treating our people this way. Why is it that our parents and grandparents were stronger, and better at getting things done than we are? Why is it that they were more patient and willing to make a sacrifices for the betterment of their own lives? Why is this generation so willing to accept second class treatment? Why have an entire generation of people become used to funerals of babies shot by guns, going into stores having to check bags, living amid fears of being victims of crimes, shopping within establishments where the owners speak another language, working hard to make their money just to have their dollars leave their community, being treated as if it's US that has just got off a boat on the shores of the United States?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My version of What would YOU do? entitled Why the hell ain't YOU doing anything?

I read things all the time on these social networking sites, rarely do I come across someone that doesn't toot their own horn, or indulge in their own narcissistic ways. I mean people can easily add the title "advocate" to their resumes if they would only get off their asses and do something. Often times I write about things that concern me or are dear to my heart and a lot of times I get this militant title slapped on me by a cousin or people either post in reply to me "calm down", as if standing for something means your upset?? I don't understand the lack of action in people, and more and more it seems to be the lack of action within people of color which truly concerns me.
Of course the now popular show What would you do? which grew out of what used to be a small segment on Dateline has now birthed it's own show which airs every Friday @ 9 pm est. For those in a cave the show has little scenarios that are played out with actors portraying some sort of skit where something is taking place that is usually very wrong, and they are trying to get the reaction out of the people in the general public to see exactly what THEY would do! However I am more or less wondering WHY THE HELL AIN'T ANYONE DOING ANYTHING? I mean I have thought of making this into a show however I feel people would ignore it just as they do with the causes they see in everyday life. I mean perfect example I was driving to a doctor's appointment one day, I drove past several children who were attending a catholic school, now to me I know they wear uniforms and the girls are always forced to wear those skirts, however every skirt I saw was short, shorter or shortest. Now I'm not Catholic any longer however the question that flashed across my mind was, isn't there anyone looking at the length of these young ladies skirts, I mean besides the pedophiles is there anyone at the school taking notice of the girl's short skirts. Now if I were to post this on a social website as a concern I'd get about five to ten responses none even seriously seeing an issue with this more with just jokes about it. Now of course I picked an example which is very small and barely concerns anyone. However let's talk about adoption my favorite subject, adoption needs to be made legal for every adult even those in the LGBT community that's a cause I can't ignore at all to me it's my passion. However many people don't seem to think anything of this, many posts go ignored, even the video I made went without comment from over four hundred people. So I decided to scroll through some people's pages to see exactly what links they posted, what was on their mind and what they seemed to care about. After a few pages I was sicken to find post after post of party over here, party over there, oh yeah and party there too! WTF!!??? I mean are these people serious, nothing concerns anyone enough to want to share it with others? I mean today there are so many things happening in the world I find it hard to believe not one thing interests people enough to write something about it? So if their not writing about it, chances are they aren't doing anything else about it. I mean it simply takes a few seconds to throw in a few letters saying how you feel about a particular subject. I mean anything from the oil leaking out in the ocean, to the fact that there's more fighting in Africa, to the bloodshed in Jamaica trying to get this drug dealer sent the United States, to the fact a man crushed his babies skull the other day. Come on and I'm not talking about the bullshit conquests that you see entertainers making like who won Dancing with the stars, or who's the next American Idol, I mean something seriously worth our concerns?!!?
When was the last time something ever happened to outrage someone enough for them to take notice? Some people seem like complete droids, concerned with nothing but what is right on their laps. I mean people may laugh, or make silly comments about a person standing on a street corner with a sign protesting something, but when was the last time you saw something like that? Is today's society just filled with people who stand for nothing but free before 10, or open bar? Where is the fire, the concern the effort in making a phone call to your congressperson or writing a letter and placing a 44 cent stamp on it and actually mailing it off to someone to let them know of your concern, your thoughts or your outrage?
What ever is happening to people that they have to wait for someone to put a fire under them in order to do something, in order to just take up a cause and passionately fight for it, something besides their own lives. I mean isn't the world bigger than just one person? When was the last time something got better without anyone doing anything about it? Seriously if you got a cut on your body and it was bleeding would you just leave it alone thinking oh it'll stop soon enough? I don't understand people today more and more I am feeling like an alien, I am made to feel as if I've done something bad if I post things in response to someone that shows any bit of originality, I am called angry if I post things about race, or the mistreatment of people of color, I am always wondering why no one is ever concerned with anything besides something having to do with the benefit of their own lives. I cringe to see what the world will become in the years ahead with people having their heads up their asses and not doing a thing about anything worth a damn!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why do woman date UGLY woman??

Okay I had to write about it I could find few articles that worded things the way I wanted them too when I say Lesbians dating UGLY woman! I mean ugly like this, your face is horrible, your attitude is even uglier, your personality appears to suck ass and you they get smart with the woman in public places or on public social websites. I mean yes yes yes woman are very strong beautiful and unique in their appearances, however if you look like you have special needs and should be wearing a helmet and you actually think your super tough cause you shop in the men's section you really need to be single. I for the love of God will not understand why woman always date an ugly woman and think nothing of it. From the ugly woman that I have meant dating with or an ex to someone I think that the Lord actually made their faces ugly to match their ugly personalities. I mean if your insecure, checking on your lady, rude to her, rude to people that know her, talking like you were actually born a man, abusive in your language than come on you really need to be alone. I've had several exes that have shown me pictures of or introduced me to the former partners and I mean I've seen some ugly ugly woman, I mean from one that seemed to be drooling in a photo, her nose was on the side of her face, she had the fetal alcohol syndrome look on her face, teeth just falling out of her mouth, I mean I looked at my ex and was wondering if she was even fit to live her life without a sponsor or daily living specialist. I mean I would love to show you some photos of some of the woman I am speaking of but out of respect for not truly knowing what their illnesses are because they appear to have many different medical, mental and physical illnesses, I will be polite and not show photos of them. But what can it be that they are seeing in these horribly ugly woman?

I would like to think that maybe just maybe they found that right one however like I said many of them were exes, but the woman also had a history of negative treatment towards their woman as well. I mean openly disrespectful, making rude or negative comments towards them in front of others, cheating, physically abusive, insecure I mean a list of issues that alone should render them single but coupled with the fact that their faces are hideous, why do woman waste their time on them? Are the woman that are with them or were with them insecure about their ability to find someone that not only treats them better but someone that looks better? Or is it that these terribly ugly woman are paid more than there nicer, beautiful counter parts? I mean there has to be some underlying facet that keeps these ugly woman with a woman. I find it interesting that these woman seem to be placing themselves in such a substandard relationship with these woman whom seem not deserve the attention of anyone. I don't even feel like giving this subject any more of my energy in life some people just like fucked up things and people in their lives which is why we had 8 years of George W. as our president people just don't seem to give a shit about the people they lay with............

Sunday, May 9, 2010

feeling, doing and needing

Sad, Lonely, Lost, Stressed, Used, Abused, Forgotten, Neglected, Unwanted, Unloved, Drained, Sick, Crazy, Ugly, Fat, Hopeless, Useless, Friendless, old, Ignored and Hated.

Crying, thinking, looking, hoping, waiting, wishing, searching, remembering, seeking, sulking, praying, medicating, meditating, needing and wanting.

Love, friendships, support, understanding, listening, hugging, peace, change, hope, strength, relocation, sleep, comfort, joy, happiness, vacation, blessings, reaping and health.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Reminder to all who need a blessing...

Reminder to all who need a blessing...

We try not to take God's blessings for granted and give thanks to Him each day for all blessings that we receive. Yet, being human, sometimes we forget about the little blessings that are truly monumental, when compared to those who have them not. Just now, I was blessed again to be included as a recipient of such a beautiful message. Amen to each and every word.So, I am passing this on to each of you so that you may be reminded that you are truly blessed.

If you woke up this morning
with more health than illness,
you are more blessed than the
million who won't survive the week.

If you have never experienced
the danger of battle,
the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture or
the pangs of starvation,
you are ahead of 20 million people
around the world.

If you attend a church meeting
without fear of harassment,
arrest, torture, or death,
you are more blessed than almost
three billion people in the world.

If you have food in your refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof over
your head and a place to sleep,
you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change
in a dish someplace, you are among
the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If your parents are still married and alive,
you are very rare,
especially in the United States.

If you hold up your head with a smile
on your face and are truly thankful,
you are blessed because the majority can,
but most do not.

If you can hold someone's hand, hug them
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because you can
offer God's healing touch.

If you can read this message,
you are more blessed than over
two billion people in the world
that cannot read anything at all.

You are so blessed in ways
you may never even know.

Reposted VIA

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Ever get this sinking feeling NO ONE LIKES YOU?

I know many people (even myself at times) would seriously say well you don't like me well F U than. . . But some where deep inside you still can't get that out of your mind, that someone or that many people don't like you. I mean I've recently been placed into a situation not of my own choice but I feel that the few people that I've come in contact with the best of someone else really can't stand me. I mean it's hard to imagine anyone not liking the world's most sickly lovable, give you the shirt off her back person like myself lol. However I speak sometimes and I can hear the crickets, it's like I'm not a comedian looking for any blow out comedy performances, however I've done everything for everyone all my life. Made friends with people who were even raised by their parents to hate people of my color, or race. None the less I'm in a position where I feel like I am literally despised right in front of my face as well as behind my back. Yes common sense would say to get the hell out of that situation however. . . . .uggghhhh forget I am and can only go round and round with this so forget it. . . . .