I read things all the time on these social networking sites, rarely do I come across someone that doesn't toot their own horn, or indulge in their own narcissistic ways. I mean people can easily add the title "advocate" to their resumes if they would only get off their asses and do something. Often times I write about things that concern me or are dear to my heart and a lot of times I get this militant title slapped on me by a cousin or people either post in reply to me "calm down", as if standing for something means your upset?? I don't understand the lack of action in people, and more and more it seems to be the lack of action within people of color which truly concerns me.
Of course the now popular show What would you do? which grew out of what used to be a small segment on Dateline has now birthed it's own show which airs every Friday @ 9 pm est. For those in a cave the show has little scenarios that are played out with actors portraying some sort of skit where something is taking place that is usually very wrong, and they are trying to get the reaction out of the people in the general public to see exactly what THEY would do! However I am more or less wondering WHY THE HELL AIN'T ANYONE DOING ANYTHING? I mean I have thought of making this into a show however I feel people would ignore it just as they do with the causes they see in everyday life. I mean perfect example I was driving to a doctor's appointment one day, I drove past several children who were attending a catholic school, now to me I know they wear uniforms and the girls are always forced to wear those skirts, however every skirt I saw was short, shorter or shortest. Now I'm not Catholic any longer however the question that flashed across my mind was, isn't there anyone looking at the length of these young ladies skirts, I mean besides the pedophiles is there anyone at the school taking notice of the girl's short skirts. Now if I were to post this on a social website as a concern I'd get about five to ten responses none even seriously seeing an issue with this more with just jokes about it. Now of course I picked an example which is very small and barely concerns anyone. However let's talk about adoption my favorite subject, adoption needs to be made legal for every adult even those in the LGBT community that's a cause I can't ignore at all to me it's my passion. However many people don't seem to think anything of this, many posts go ignored, even the video I made went without comment from over four hundred people. So I decided to scroll through some people's pages to see exactly what links they posted, what was on their mind and what they seemed to care about. After a few pages I was sicken to find post after post of party over here, party over there, oh yeah and party there too! WTF!!??? I mean are these people serious, nothing concerns anyone enough to want to share it with others? I mean today there are so many things happening in the world I find it hard to believe not one thing interests people enough to write something about it? So if their not writing about it, chances are they aren't doing anything else about it. I mean it simply takes a few seconds to throw in a few letters saying how you feel about a particular subject. I mean anything from the oil leaking out in the ocean, to the fact that there's more fighting in Africa, to the bloodshed in Jamaica trying to get this drug dealer sent the United States, to the fact a man crushed his babies skull the other day. Come on and I'm not talking about the bullshit conquests that you see entertainers making like who won Dancing with the stars, or who's the next American Idol, I mean something seriously worth our concerns?!!?
When was the last time something ever happened to outrage someone enough for them to take notice? Some people seem like complete droids, concerned with nothing but what is right on their laps. I mean people may laugh, or make silly comments about a person standing on a street corner with a sign protesting something, but when was the last time you saw something like that? Is today's society just filled with people who stand for nothing but free before 10, or open bar? Where is the fire, the concern the effort in making a phone call to your congressperson or writing a letter and placing a 44 cent stamp on it and actually mailing it off to someone to let them know of your concern, your thoughts or your outrage?
What ever is happening to people that they have to wait for someone to put a fire under them in order to do something, in order to just take up a cause and passionately fight for it, something besides their own lives. I mean isn't the world bigger than just one person? When was the last time something got better without anyone doing anything about it? Seriously if you got a cut on your body and it was bleeding would you just leave it alone thinking oh it'll stop soon enough? I don't understand people today more and more I am feeling like an alien, I am made to feel as if I've done something bad if I post things in response to someone that shows any bit of originality, I am called angry if I post things about race, or the mistreatment of people of color, I am always wondering why no one is ever concerned with anything besides something having to do with the benefit of their own lives. I cringe to see what the world will become in the years ahead with people having their heads up their asses and not doing a thing about anything worth a damn!!
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