There is a problem of Black Genocide facing many American cities today that is "REAL". When you open up your browser, using www.google.com as your search engine there are more than 1,420,000 results that pop up. The top sites are all dedicated to the amounts of Blacks having abortions within today's society. These claims are that despite the fact that Blacks make up an amount of 13-15% of the population in this country that there is a large amount of Blacks having abortions. I do not claim to dispute this claim by any means, however the issues concerning Black genocide are larger than that of claims of racism or what "the white man" is planning or even doing within our communities. Many of these sites are laying much of the blame of the locations of these Planned parenthood offices in so called "Black" or "Urban" areas targeting Black people to get abortions....GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!! Not one of these people wasting their lives or energy are focusing on the fact that the Black or African American family values have declined greatly in the recent years. Now only has it been an increase in single parenting of Black children, but a decline of blacks going onto higher education, or living in middle class families. Not one of these individuals is focusing on the layout and zoning of Black neighborhoods seriously, I mean the number of liquor stores, beer distributors, corner stores selling beer or cigarettes within our community. However these places wouldn't be able to take up residence in our community if anyone cared to protest their opening. Yet, Blacks within these urban communities are the biggest contributors to these businesses.
There is an alarming number of blacks being killed on our streets today which is causing an actual tangible BLACK GENOCIDE. Recently the mayor of Philadelphia had the pleasure of swearing in the newest district attorney to the city. Mayor Nutter also said that he will focus on the issue of "Black Genocide" taking place within the city. NO he wasn't speaking of relocating abortion centers, BUT he was speaking of the alarming rates in which blacks are dying on the streets of the city. The murder rate has not only been sky rocketing in the city for the past years, but it has been claiming a large amount of lives belonging to those that are African American. During a press conference Mayor Nutter points out these facts; A total of 732 black men have been murdered in Philadelphia in the past three years, Nutter said. There were 285 black men killed in 2007; 239 killed in 2008; and 208 killed in 2009, he said. (statement taken from NBCPhiladelphia.com news) Not only are these black males being killed on the streets of Philadelphia, but by the hands of other black males in a high percentage of these cases. Some people have commented negatively about the mayor calling this a "black genocide", however in a city of barely over a million residents the numbers are rather high. Not to mention that there is said to be a "birth dirth" within the black/African American community. This "birth dirth" means that there is a drop in birth rates among black people which is mentioned by the statistics taken by the National geographic. Many than may be blaming this on agencies like Planned Parenthood, which actually no agency has been known to force any race to abort their unborn children. Many reasons are responsible for the lack of births by blacks, there has been a decline among black teens becoming pregnant, as well as more blacks have been planning better birth control for reasons that they may be financially unable to care for a child. As within other rapidly growing minority communities, there is a lack concern of being financially stable as like in those being taking into account for members of the black race.

The issue of Black genocide isn't just an issue facing the city of Philadelphia but also within cities like Baltimore, Maryland; Brooklyn, New York; Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Los Angeles, California; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Washington, D.C. Is this just an issue that the entire black, African American or African race is set to be plagued with? Genocide is happening all over the world within countries which are inhabited but people of African decent, is this what we are always going to be facing? What's the reasons why Black or African people are unable to get along within their communities, countries and societies? The issue of genocide is wiping out the the black/African races? With the homicides of black men here in America is going to drastically lower the rates of births within the Black community.....what are we to do??
Not to mention the rule of "no snitching" which allows many of those committing serious crime of murder within many of these cities to continue on with their crime sprees. Many of these crimes are committed not only in view of witnesses but many committing these crimes also tell someone of their actions. However many consider those who tell "rats" or "snitches" sad enough black people are teaching their children not to tell on one another as well. Leading to a growing problem with that is being passed down from generation to generation, as well as this trend of killing, disrespecting, robbing and committing other crimes against others in your own race.

Get a copy of the film: Maafa21 Black Genocide in 21st Century America. - Clip heer: http://www.maafa21.com