Large yellow legal pad, my favorite cheap pen with blue ink that just slides across the paper, see I wanted to talk to you but you didn't want to talk to me, so I decided to write you a letter. When I put the pen to the paper, I lost the words that I wanted to write, I mean should I write about how I miss my dying sister, or about the hard day I had that made me truly miss her, or maybe about how thinking of you made me smile outta no where. Should I write about how your chocolate skin makes me wanna lick on you to see if you taste as rich, sweet, or thick as my favorite chocolate treat? Or maybe should I write about my favorite color or all the things I've always wanted to tell ya, like how I grew up, or how I want to be a writer, or maybe how when you smile when we talk makes my heart skip a beat, or maybe the way it sounds when you say my name so sweat. Should I write about how I think of you at night, when I'm laying there on the edge of sleep, how it makes me smile an wanna rush the night just to awake and hear your voice again. Or maybe I should write about how your courage to step out on faith makes me wanna move mountains in my life. I scratch my head and think oh maybe I could write an tell you all about my comic books, or how I draw funny pictures with my own insight. Should I tell you that I am an ordained minister, or that I went to seminary school because I thought God didn't love me. Should I tell you my deepest fears, or the about the nights I've spent in tears. Maybe I should write about all the times you've made me weak in my knees or how the way you make the days fly pay with the slightest of ease!
When I thought about all the things I should write you because you wouldn't give me a call, my phone rang and she, she was the one that was there for me so she heard it all!!! :-)
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