. . . . You know what FUCK ALL OF YALL!!! The world shouldn't have to put up with you I mean yeah I ain't talking about getting drunk while @ the club and going home and sleeping it off!! Naw I am talking about those who wanna get drunk just cause the day of the week ends in day! I mean getting drunk just cause you woke up this morning and wanted to get drunk, or getting drunk driving and killing a entire family. FUCK YOU!!! I wish there was a place where you drunk could go and never come back fuck you, no one needs to put up with your shit, no one needs to be put in danger because you want to drive while fucked up, GO TO HELL!! I mean no I don't wanna be up all night cause you getting drunk every day, staying up all night I am starting to HATE drunk fuckers I swear, a drunk ruined my childhood and now she's trying to fuck over my adult life making me want to move far far away I swear I can't do it any longer I just can not!
Now lets move to these assholes, people that do what ever the hell it is they want to do.....walk into a store you see a line fuck it just walk to the head of the line, driving and you don't wanna stop at a stop sign NO DON'T STOP why that sign is for ME and all those like ME! It means nothing to you at all. Like let's talk about these fucken shit eating cops out here in the burbs that HATE BLACK people, but you'd think they'd lose their jobs ooohhhh hell no hating black people comes with the job. YOU most hate them to be a cop out here because if you don't who are you going to fuck with when you're bored silly cause nothing happens out here? YEAH THE NIGGERS!!! Well FUCK COPS, ASSHOLES and all others like you!!! YES I am pissed and venting and I don't give a fuck who I upset!!!
More pitiful is shitty parents, NOW YOU NEED TO BE KILLED IN PUBLIC on NATIONAL TELEVISION!! Who the fuck gave you the right to fuck over your children?? I mean because you were a whore, slut or piece of shit that wanted to bust a nut no one told you to even have sex let alone have children, than treat them like shit. Abuse them, leave them in the streets, or just out right fuck them around so that they can have shitty adult lives. I wish that there was a law that people could kill you in public if you in public if you were caught abusing your children. I mean yeah we can give your simple ass a trial but that's just it fuck jail time, public death should be the outcome of that. I mean yeah!!! And liars I wanna put it like this you could do anything else in life but to me a liar, child abuser they are the world's biggest fucking losers.......I have no concern for these punk ass fuckers......this has been a blog brought on by anger and I am now feeling better!!!!
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