"he wanted black people to see what black people did to black people;White man couldn't touch us if we'd just learn to love each other!"
James A. Baldwin
Thank You @Majikmind
@R_E_A_L_1 Mans inhumanity to man...It's a universal beef! Be the change you wish to see in the world..that's all you can do.
Back in November 25th of 2006 Sean Bell a 23 year old man out celebrating his batchlor party and was set to be wed. Sean was shot and killed in a hail of 50 shots fired by five or so police officers in NYC. However this case has so many other difficult issues, there is drinking involved, an altercation at the bar between Bell's friends and some others, there were also plain clothed officers that over heard talk of a gun. There is no denying that the police officers across the country probably always target minorities for crimes. However you look at your community and tell me what you see? Drive around my suburban community and see what I see every day and than you tell me what you would think afterwards this blog in not addressing that at this time.
Tazz later goes on to comment on how "Black people don't even know what's going on in their own communities!" This to me is amazing someone with a website, a twitter page, a facebook account and probably even a myspace account as well. You have all the places in the world to inform "THE BLACK COMMUNITY" about what is going on. However an actress dying December 20th 2009 and a young Black male being murdered by police officers in NYC back in November of 2006 aren't really relevant issues better yet aren't reasons to label anyone a "COON" or a "BUFFOON" which Tazz Daddy claims he was not directing towards "BLACK PEOPLE BECAUSE HE LOVES HIS PEOPLE." Clearly I have often been confronted with the self hatred that Blacks have for one another, clearly I see that even I have written about those who want to be known as "NIGGERS" instead of Black people. However when is it that people are going to realize that being BLACK isn't just ALL we should be concerned about we are people first, we are people that should have compassion for one another Black, White or other. When I tweeted a response to Mr. Tazz Daddy to use his platform to stand on and teach those who don't know or didn't know of things taking place within the Black community, Tazz replies that I do not know what type of platform he has and he quickly directs me to unfollow him on twitter which I didn't need to be told I had already done so. Along with this conversation with Tazz Daddy a almost forty year old woman, mother to three children whom had nothing to do with the situation began tweeting to me. She was rude, crude, uneducated and clearly had no idea what the hell she was speaking of but this made me think of the sadness of our "BLACK COMMUNITY." I mean here is a woman almost forty arguing being what I continued to call disrespectful yet, she had a children, a home and other things to attend to. This would not be so sad if this woman had not just had previous "twitter arguments" with other individuals that actually turned into calls, threats of violence an even more. This is the structure in which we our building our community? I mean mothers almost forty with children in grade school, dropping out of college among other situations having twitter wars with one another? Tazz Daddy directed a very negative, nasty comment at people who were just clearly being decent human beings. The real "coons and buffoons" are those who argue on twitter, who dog out their own people for NOT being racist or hateful against White people, who call tweet disrespectful things about a woman who just died because of the types of roles she has played as Tazz had also done. When our Blacks going to open their eyes and see that the ones to be angry with are those that aren't growing up, those that aren't educated enough to see that WE as a people need more help than hurt from one another. The main thing that always keeps me laughing that is before twitter I've NEVER HEARD OF THESE PEOPLE, and I doubt that much further beyond twitter will I hear more of them ever again. Yes twitter is for entertainment, however remembering to be human, decent and respectful should always be at the front of our minds.
Now by all meaning of the word Buffoon Tazz Daddy appears to be the only person whom actually seems to fit into the definition of this word. Continue to shuck and jive for the man maybe one day calling your people names may even get you to where you want to be......By the way this is the definition of the word Buffoon; buf·foon (b
1. A clown; a jester: a court buffoon.
2. A person given to clowning and joking.
3. A ludicrous or bumbling person; a fool.