I am going to start with the man of the year I AM NAMING HIM THAT.....Aston "FUCKING" Kutcher, the funny man that made me almost piss myself while watching "Married in Vegas." Aston has been trying to change the shit up by doing some roles that are some what out of character for the young handsome funny man from that 70' show. In the movie "Personal Effects' Aston not only gets laid by one of the hottest woman out there but he turns on the water fountain in this true tear jerker touching film. Ashton plays a grieving brother and Michelle plays the grieving widow, mother of a deaf son and they're just trying to hold it all together. Aston plays a 24 year old swimmer who falls for the much older Michelle as they learn to help one another through their trying times. This is a must see movie pretty good, not very well promoted but I like I like....this one gets a four and a half stars. Some may find it a bit slow but you gotta love a little drama that's not in your life but someone else. Check the damn film out, trust me!!!?

Here he is again Aston Kutcher stars in "Spread" this movie was actually something I watched from being a follower of Aston via Twitter. This was a small independent film and yes there some FUCKING going on so not for children 100% not a family friendly film, however I learned something from this. Aston is continuing to go for this mature, drama, emotional roles and this movie is something else. Mr. Kutcher is a grown ass man and he's standing tall or sitting down with some chick riding his lap all the way. This was like a semi White version of a Tyler Perry film hahaha okay not really really but there was a change in the main character from the beginning of the film. Ashton has many talents, funny man, fantasy football show host and Mr. Kutcher. I like Ashton's role in this film at times I was lost on exactly what I was to learn from this...however in the end it all pulled itself together. Are all people in Cali this superficial? I don't know but I don't wanna find out either. In this sex filled movie Ashton puts to shame the woman of "Sex in the City" and he even changes his life. I give this sleeper hit about 3 and a half stars. A little to much heterosexual sex for my taster but it was a go see it film.

Let's pass quickly over the 2009 BULLSHIT films, I love love love love love me BIG however this film
could have been made within the two or three days after his passing. It was to quickly made, poorly informative and come on the story line was all chopped up and barely told half of the story. The casting pick got Biggie was wonderful, however bad choice on the Puff-ster, I almost hated that pick as much as I can't stand puff dog, puff diddie, puff whitie what ever the hell the over inflated ignorant bastard is calling himself these days. This was a lame film and it made me wanna cry for even watching it. Best part of the film seriously was the end showing the true fans and the ride through the streets with the fans pumping Biggie'
s songs. Rest in peace Big and forgive the poor ignorant bastards that butchered your memory with this head scratching, D rated BULLSHIT!! This film easily gets a 1 star just for the ending alone and the choice of pick for the young man named Jamal Woolard as the Notorious BIG.

This film "Wrong Turn" is truly a wipe my ass with it film, this should have went straight to Fearnet on the Comcast network. Poor, boring, no quality, this is not worth my time this movie was also a bullshit film. This gets 0 stars and is something not even worth your time watching it. Just read a damn book instead, please I'd rather bang my head on a brick wall ,with spikey nails sticking out of it........not worth the tape they even used to record the film. Moving right along........
Okay RHOA coming on this will be continued tomorrow..........stay tuned for part II